Source code for pypownet.renderer

from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection
from matplotlib.patches import Circle, Rectangle

__author__ = 'marvinler'
# Copyright (C) 2017-2018 RTE and INRIA (France)
# Authors: Marvin Lerousseau <>
# This file is under the LGPL-v3 license and is part of PyPowNet.
import pygame
import math
from pygame import gfxdraw
import numpy as np
import matplotlib

import matplotlib.backends.backend_agg as agg
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.lines as lines
import pylab
from copy import deepcopy

case_layouts = {
    14: [(280, -81), (100, -270), (-366, -270), (-366, -54), (64, -54), (64, 54), (-366, 0), (-438, 0), (-326, 54),
         (-222, 108), (-79, 162), (152, 270), (64, 270), (-222, 216)],

    30: [(-320, -217), (-188, -306), (-191, -221), (-64, -220), (156, -307), (223, -232), (217, -274), (401, -236),
         (200, -145), (238, -125), (87, -143), (-60, -113), (-185, -114), (-159, -60), (-62, 12), (-13, -73),
         (102, -54), (89, 26), (281, 37), (240, 9), (278, -27), (322, -44), (99, 74), (328, 74), (219, 144), (97, 147),
         (101, 215), (400, 195), (-179, 211), (-181, 136)]

    96: [(49.0, -243.0), (95.5, -242.5), (24.5, -195.5), (41.5, -216.0), (87.5, -220.5), (154.0, -205.0),
         (132.0, -243.0), (154.5, -228.0), (80.0, -196.5), (121.5, -197.0), (77.0, -163.5), (121.0, -163.0),
         (164.0, -120.0), (65.5, -125.0), (29.5, -143.0), (25.5, -116.0), (13.5, -84.0), (44.0, -64.5),
         (83.0, -106.5), (111.0, -105.5), (80.0, -65.5), (117.5, -65.5), (149.0, -93.0), (24.5, -163.5),
         (252.0, -242.0), (295.0, -241.5), (221.5, -195.5), (245.0, -216.0), (291.0, -219.5), (357.5, -203.5),
         (335.0, -240.5), (357.5, -227.0), (283.0, -196.5), (326.0, -195.5), (281.5, -163.0), (325.5, -162.5),
         (367.5, -120.5), (268.0, -125.0), (230.0, -142.5), (225.0, -115.5), (216.5, -81.5), (248.0, -64.0),
         (285.5, -105.0), (318.5, -105.0), (282.5, -64.0), (322.0, -64.0), (352.0, -93.0), (226.0, -164.0),
         (449.0, -243.0), (493.0, -243.0), (427.0, -196.5), (444.0, -216.0), (490.5, -219.5), (555.5, -205.0),
         (532.0, -242.5), (557.5, -224.5), (481.0, -197.0), (524.5, -196.0), (480.5, -163.5), (540.5, -162.5),
         (566.5, -121.0), (467.5, -126.0), (431.0, -143.5), (426.0, -114.5), (415.5, -83.5), (447.5, -64.0),
         (484.5, -106.0), (517.5, -106.0), (483.0, -64.0), (520.0, -64.5), (553.0, -94.0), (426.0, -164.0),
         (379.0, -28.0)],

        [(-403, -311), (-355, -311), (-380, -275), (-355, -245), (-369, -191), (-330, -193), (-299, -190), (-366, -88),
         (-364, -44), (-366, -7), (-320, -247), (-266, -266), (-241, -198), (-203, -231), (-188, -201), (-282, -153),
         (-221, -123), (-161, -123), (-131, -156), (-139, -142), (-131, -27), (-123, -3), (-131, 29), (-18, -46),
         (-162, 67), (-203, 39), (-324, 21), (-332, -15), (-331, -52), (-212, -88), (-292, -52), (-259, -29),
         (-4, -254), (32, -203), (-34, -148), (51, -155), (74, -221), (88, -127), (59, -265), (86, -296), (129, -296),
         (161, -296), (124, -198), (140, -226), (147, -163), (133, -138), (162, -134), (187, -173), (221, -125),
         (268, -215), (287, -225), (199, -258), (202, -296), (237, -295), (329, -296), (283, -297), (268, -248),
         (287, -248), (372, -277), (372, -197), (372, -153), (340, -74), (348, -254), (342, -168), (298, -29),
         (283, -74), (297, -92), (213, -62), (184, -50), (61, -45), (40, -73), (25, -52), (61, -84), (43, 53), (61, 73),
         (151, 73), (176, 99), (195, 53), (221, 33), (227, 73), (230, 56), (149, 131), (57, 154), (46, 171), (43, 205),
         (43, 229), (57, 245), (78, 205), (119, 207), (122, 241), (191, 243), (196, 207), (219, 186), (245, 154),
         (212, 154), (221, 132), (220, 110), (262, 94), (294, 74), (288, 154), (273, 230), (226, 229), (326, 230),
         (330, 152), (365, 154), (364, 91), (404, 154), (370, 191), (373, 212), (361, 253), (330, 260), (403, 253),
         (-256, -102), (-270, 0), (-236, 1), (229, -32), (-211, -266), (99, 74)]

# noinspection PyArgumentList
[docs]class Renderer(object): def __init__(self, grid_case, or_ids, ex_ids, are_prods, are_loads, timestep_duration_seconds): self.grid_case = grid_case self.grid_layout = np.asarray(case_layouts[grid_case]) self.video_width, self.video_height = 1300, 700 self.timestep_duration_seconds = timestep_duration_seconds self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((self.video_width, self.video_height), pygame.RESIZABLE) pygame.display.set_caption('pypownet - render mode') # Window title # Set default background color self.background_color = [70, 70, 73] self.screen.fill(self.background_color) self.topology_layout_shape = [1000, 800] self.topology_layout = pygame.Surface(self.topology_layout_shape, pygame.SRCALPHA, 32).convert_alpha() # Substations layer self.nodes_surface = pygame.Surface(self.topology_layout_shape, pygame.SRCALPHA, 32).convert_alpha() self.nodes_outer_radius = 8 self.nodes_inner_radius = 5 # node_img = pygame.image.load(os.path.join(media_path, 'substation.png')).convert_alpha() # self.node_img = pygame.transform.scale(node_img, (20, 20)) self.injections_surface = pygame.Surface(self.topology_layout_shape, pygame.SRCALPHA, 32).convert_alpha() self.are_prods = are_prods self.are_loads = are_loads # Lines layer self.lines_surface = pygame.Surface(self.topology_layout_shape, pygame.SRCALPHA, 32).convert_alpha() self.lines_ids_or = or_ids self.lines_ids_ex = ex_ids # Lines labels (e.g. mW) layer self.lines_labels_surface = pygame.Surface(self.topology_layout_shape, pygame.SRCALPHA, 32).convert_alpha() self.left_menu_shape = [300, 800] self.left_menu = pygame.Surface(self.left_menu_shape, pygame.SRCALPHA, 32).convert_alpha() self.left_menu_tile_color = [e + 10 for e in self.background_color] # Helpers for printing or plotting pygame.font.init() font = 'Arial' self.default_font = pygame.font.SysFont(font, 15) text_color = (180, 180, 180) value_color = (220, 220, 220) self.text_render = lambda s: self.default_font.render(s, False, text_color) self.value_render = lambda s: self.default_font.render(s, False, value_color) big_value_font = pygame.font.SysFont('Arial', 18) self.big_value_render = lambda s: big_value_font.render(s, False, value_color) self.bold_white_font = pygame.font.SysFont(font, 15) bold_white = (220, 220, 220) self.bold_white_font.set_bold(True) self.bold_white_render = lambda s: self.bold_white_font.render(s, False, bold_white) # Containers for plotting prods and loads curves self.loads = [] self.relative_thermal_limits = [] self.black_bold_font = pygame.font.SysFont(font, 15) blackish = (70, 70, 70) self.black_bold_font.set_bold(True) self.black_bold_font_render = lambda s: self.black_bold_font.render(s, False, blackish) self.last_rewards_surface = None self.game_over_surface = self.draw_plot_game_over() self.boolean_dynamic_arrows = True # Keep data to track changes timestepwise = None
[docs] def draw_surface_nodes_headers(self, scenario_id, date, cascading_result_frame): surface = self.nodes_surface # Print some scenario stats surface.blit(self.text_render('Date'), (25, 15)) surface.blit(self.big_value_render(date.strftime("%A %d %b %H:%M")), (75, 12)) surface.blit(self.text_render('Timestep id'), (330, 15)) surface.blit(self.big_value_render(str(scenario_id)), (425, 12)) width = 400 height = 25 x_offset = 25 y_offset = 40 if cascading_result_frame == -1: gfxdraw.filled_polygon(surface, ((x_offset, y_offset + height), (x_offset, y_offset), (x_offset + width, y_offset), (x_offset + width, y_offset + height)), (250, 200, 150, 240)) surface.blit( self.black_bold_font_render('result of applying action frame'), (x_offset + 85, y_offset + 4)) elif cascading_result_frame is not None: gfxdraw.filled_polygon(surface, ((x_offset, y_offset + height), (x_offset, y_offset), (x_offset + width, y_offset), (x_offset + width, y_offset + height)), (250, 200, 200, 240)) surface.blit( self.black_bold_font_render('result of cascading simulation depth %d frame' % cascading_result_frame), (x_offset + 40, y_offset + 4)) else: gfxdraw.filled_polygon(surface, ((x_offset, y_offset + height), (x_offset, y_offset), (x_offset + width, y_offset), (x_offset + width, y_offset + height)), (200, 250, 200, 240)) surface.blit(self.black_bold_font_render('new observation frame'), (x_offset + 120, y_offset + 4))
[docs] def draw_surface_grid(self, relative_thermal_limits, lines_por, lines_service_status, prods, loads, are_substations_changed, number_nodes_per_substation): layout = self.grid_layout my_dpi = 200 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(1000 / my_dpi, 700 / my_dpi), dpi=my_dpi, facecolor=[c / 255. for c in self.background_color], clear=True) l = [] layout = np.asarray(deepcopy(layout)) min_x = np.min(layout[:, 0]) min_y = np.min(layout[:, 1]) layout[:, 0] -= (min_x + 890) layout[:, 0] *= -1 layout[:, 1] -= min_y if self.grid_case == 14: layout[:, 0] -= 120 layout[:, 1] += 30 color_low = np.asarray((51, 204, 51)) color_middle = np.asarray((255, 93, 0)) color_high = np.asarray((255, 50, 30)) for or_id, ex_id, rtl, line_por, is_on in zip(self.lines_ids_or, self.lines_ids_ex, relative_thermal_limits, lines_por, lines_service_status): # Compute line thickness + color based on its thermal usage thickness = .6 + .25 * (min(1., rtl) // .1) if rtl < .5: color = color_low + 2. * rtl * (color_middle - color_low) elif rtl < 1.: # color = (51, 204, 51) if rtl < .7 else (255, 165, 0) if rtl < 1. else (214, 0, 0) color = color_low + min(1., rtl) * (color_high - color_low) else: color = (255, 20, 20) # Compute the true origin of the flow (lines always fixed or -> dest in IEEE files) if line_por >= 0: ori = layout[or_id] ext = layout[ex_id] else: ori = layout[ex_id] ext = layout[or_id] if not is_on: l.append(lines.Line2D([ori[0], ext[0]], [50 + ori[1], 50 + ext[1]], linewidth=.8, color=[.8, .8, .8], figure=fig, linestyle='dashed')) else: l.append(lines.Line2D([ori[0], ext[0]], [50 + ori[1], 50 + ext[1]], linewidth=thickness, color=[c / 255. for c in color], figure=fig, linestyle='--' if rtl > 1. else '-', dashes=(2., .8) if rtl > 1. else (None, None))) fig.lines.extend(l) ######## Draw nodes ax = fig.gca(frame_on=False, autoscale_on=False, zorder=10) ax.set_xlim(0, 1000) ax.set_ylim(-50, 650) fig.subplots_adjust(0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0) ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) # Loop to compute prods minus loads prods_iter, loads_iter = iter(prods), iter(loads) prods_minus_loads = [] for is_prod, is_load in zip(self.are_prods, self.are_loads): prod = next(prods_iter) if is_prod else 0. load = next(loads_iter) if is_load else 0. prods_minus_loads.append(prod - load) max_diff = max(abs(np.max(prods_minus_loads)), abs(np.min(prods_minus_loads))) activated_node_color = (255, 255, 0) prods_iter, loads_iter = iter(prods), iter(loads) for i, ((x, y), is_prod, is_load, is_changed, n_used_nodes) in enumerate( zip(layout, self.are_prods, self.are_loads, are_substations_changed, number_nodes_per_substation)): prod = next(prods_iter) if is_prod else 0. load = next(loads_iter) if is_load else 0. prod_minus_load = prod - load # Determine color of filled circle based on the amount of production - consumption linewidth_min = 1. if prod_minus_load > 0: # Draw production color = [c / 255. for c in (0, 153, 255)] inner_circle_color = activated_node_color if is_changed else self.background_color inner_circle_color = [c / 255. for c in inner_circle_color] linewidth = linewidth_min + 2. * prod_minus_load / max_diff outer_radius = self.nodes_outer_radius + 3. * prod_minus_load / max_diff if n_used_nodes > 1: c = Circle((x, y), outer_radius + linewidth + 4., linewidth=0., fill=True, color=[c / 255. for c in self.background_color], zorder=10) ax.add_artist(c) c = Circle((x, y), outer_radius + linewidth + 4., linewidth=.75, fill=False, color=color, zorder=10) ax.add_artist(c) c = Circle((x, y), outer_radius, linewidth=0, fill=True, color=inner_circle_color, zorder=9) ax.add_artist(c) c = Circle((x, y), outer_radius, linewidth=linewidth, fill=False, color=color, zorder=10) ax.add_artist(c) elif prod_minus_load < 0: # Draw consumption color = [c / 255. for c in (210, 77, 255)] inner_circle_color = activated_node_color if is_changed else self.background_color inner_circle_color = [c / 255. for c in inner_circle_color] linewidth = linewidth_min - 2. * prod_minus_load / max_diff outer_radius = self.nodes_outer_radius - 3. * prod_minus_load / max_diff if n_used_nodes > 1: c = Rectangle((x - outer_radius - linewidth - 4., y - outer_radius - linewidth - 4.), 2. * (outer_radius + linewidth + 4.), 2. * (outer_radius + linewidth + 4.), linewidth=0., fill=True, color=[c / 255. for c in self.background_color], zorder=10) ax.add_artist(c) c = Rectangle((x - outer_radius - linewidth - 4., y - outer_radius - linewidth - 4.), 2. * (outer_radius + linewidth + 4.), 2. * (outer_radius + linewidth + 4.), linewidth=.6, fill=False, color=color, zorder=10) ax.add_artist(c) c = Rectangle((x - outer_radius, y - outer_radius), 2. * outer_radius, 2. * outer_radius, linewidth=0, fill=True, color=inner_circle_color, zorder=9) ax.add_artist(c) c = Rectangle((x - outer_radius, y - outer_radius), 2. * outer_radius, 2. * outer_radius, linewidth=linewidth, fill=False, color=color, zorder=10) ax.add_artist(c) else: color = [c / 255. for c in (255, 255, 255)] inner_circle_color = activated_node_color if is_changed else self.background_color inner_circle_color = [c / 255. for c in inner_circle_color] linewidth = linewidth_min outer_radius = self.nodes_outer_radius if n_used_nodes > 1: c = Rectangle((x, y - math.sqrt(2.) * (outer_radius + 4.)), 2. * (outer_radius + 4.), 2. * (outer_radius + 4.), linewidth=0., fill=True, color=[c / 255. for c in self.background_color], zorder=10, angle=45.) ax.add_artist(c) c = Rectangle((x, y - math.sqrt(2.) * (outer_radius + 4.)), 2. * (outer_radius + 4.), 2. * (outer_radius + 4.), linewidth=.6, fill=False, color=color, zorder=10, angle=45.) ax.add_artist(c) c = Rectangle((x, y - math.sqrt(2.) * outer_radius), 2. * outer_radius, 2. * outer_radius, linewidth=0, fill=True, color=inner_circle_color, zorder=9, angle=45.) ax.add_artist(c) c = Rectangle((x, y - math.sqrt(2.) * outer_radius), 2. * outer_radius, 2. * outer_radius, linewidth=linewidth, fill=False, color=color, zorder=10, angle=45.) ax.add_artist(c) # Circle((x, y), self.nodes_inner_radius, fill=True, color=inner_circle_color) l = [] for or_id, ex_id, rtl, line_por, is_on in zip(self.lines_ids_or, self.lines_ids_ex, relative_thermal_limits, lines_por, lines_service_status): if not is_on: continue # Compute line thickness + color based on its thermal usage thickness = .6 + .04 * (min(1., rtl) // .1) if rtl < .5: color = color_low + 2. * rtl * (color_middle - color_low) elif rtl < 1.: # color = (51, 204, 51) if rtl < .7 else (255, 165, 0) if rtl < 1. else (214, 0, 0) color = color_low + min(1., rtl) * (color_high - color_low) else: color = (255, 20, 20) # Compute the true origin of the flow (lines always fixed or -> dest in IEEE files) if line_por >= 0: ori = layout[or_id] ext = layout[ex_id] else: ori = layout[ex_id] ext = layout[or_id] # Compute the line characteristics: draxing is done by plotting two lines starting from the center # with a specific angle and semi-length length = math.sqrt((ori[0] - ext[0]) ** 2. + (ori[1] - ext[1]) ** 2.) - 2. * self.nodes_outer_radius center = ((ori[0] + ext[0]) / 2., (ori[1] + ext[1]) / 2.) angle = math.atan2(ori[1] - ext[1], ori[0] - ext[0]) # First, draw the arrow heads; lines will be drawn on top distance_arrow_heads = 25 n_arrow_heads = int(max(1, length // distance_arrow_heads)) for a in range(n_arrow_heads): if n_arrow_heads != 1: offset = a + .25 if self.boolean_dynamic_arrows else a + .75 x = center[0] + (offset * distance_arrow_heads - length / 2.) * math.cos(angle) y = center[1] + (offset * distance_arrow_heads - length / 2.) * math.sin(angle) else: x = center[0] y = center[1] # draw_arrow_head(x, y, angle, color, thickness) head_angle = math.pi / 6. width = 8 + 20 * (thickness - .6) x -= width / 2. * math.cos(angle) y -= width / 2. * math.sin(angle) x1 = x + width * math.cos(angle + head_angle) y1 = y + width * math.sin(angle + head_angle) x2 = x + width * math.cos(angle - head_angle) y2 = y + width * math.sin(angle - head_angle) l.append(lines.Line2D([x, x2], [50 + y, 50 + y2], linewidth=thickness, color=[c / 255. for c in color], figure=fig, linestyle='-')) l.append(lines.Line2D([x, x1], [50 + y, 50 + y1], linewidth=thickness, color=[c / 255. for c in color], figure=fig, linestyle='-')) fig.lines.extend(l) # p.set_array(np.array(color*len(patches))) # Export plot into something readable by pygame canvas = agg.FigureCanvasAgg(fig) canvas.draw() renderer = canvas.get_renderer() raw_data = renderer.tostring_rgb() size = canvas.get_width_height() img_loads_curve_week = pygame.image.fromstring(raw_data, size, "RGB") loads_curve_surface = pygame.Surface(self.topology_layout_shape, pygame.SRCALPHA, 32).convert_alpha() loads_curve_surface.fill(self.background_color) loads_curve_surface.blit(img_loads_curve_week, (0, 30) if self.grid_case != 30 else (-100, 0)) return loads_curve_surface
[docs] def create_plot_loads_curve(self, n_timesteps, left_xlabel): facecolor_asfloat = np.asarray(self.left_menu_tile_color) / 255. layout_config = {'pad': 0.2} fig = pylab.figure(figsize=[3, 1.5], dpi=100, facecolor=facecolor_asfloat, tight_layout=layout_config) ax = fig.gca() # Retrieve data for the specified time data = np.sum(self.loads, axis=-1) data = data[-min(len(data), n_timesteps):] n_data = len(data) ax.plot(np.linspace(n_data, 0, num=n_data), data, '#d24dff') # Ticks and labels ax.set_xlim([n_timesteps, 1]) ax.set_xticks([1, n_timesteps]) ax.set_xticklabels(['now', left_xlabel]) ax.set_ylim([0, np.max(data) * 1.05]) ax.set_yticks([0, np.max(data)]) ax.set_yticklabels(['', '%.0f MW' % (np.max(data))]) label_color_hexa = '#D2D2D2' ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=6, pad=-30, labelcolor=label_color_hexa, direction='in') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=6, labelcolor=label_color_hexa) # Top and right axis ax.spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax.set_facecolor(np.asarray(self.background_color) / 255.) fig.tight_layout() canvas = agg.FigureCanvasAgg(fig) canvas.draw() renderer = canvas.get_renderer() raw_data = renderer.tostring_rgb() size = canvas.get_width_height() return pygame.image.fromstring(raw_data, size, "RGB")
[docs] def draw_surface_diagnosis(self, number_loads_cut, number_prods_cut, number_nodes_splitting, number_lines_switches, distance_initial_grid, line_capacity_usage, n_offlines_lines, number_unavailable_lines, number_unavailable_nodes, max_number_isolated_loads, max_number_isolated_prods): my_dpi = 100 height = 245 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(self.left_menu_shape[0] / my_dpi, height / my_dpi), dpi=my_dpi, facecolor=[c / 255. for c in self.left_menu_tile_color], clear=True, tight_layout={'pad': -.3}) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0, right=1, top=1, bottom=0, wspace=0, hspace=0) plt.axis('off') plt.ylim(0, height) plt.xlim(0, self.left_menu_shape[0]) string_color = (180 / 255., 180 / 255., 180 / 255.) header_color = (220 / 255., 220 / 255., 220 / 255.) value_color = (1., 1., 1.) plt.text(90, height - 25, 'Live diagnosis', fontdict={'size': 12}, color=header_color) string_offset = 65 value_offset = 10 up = '^' up_offset = -11 if is not None: old_number_loads_cut, old_number_prods_cut, old_number_nodes_splitting, old_number_lines_switches, \ old_distance_initial_grid, old_usage, old_n_offlines_lines, old_number_unavailable_lines, \ old_number_unavailable_nodes, old_max_number_isolated_loads, old_max_number_isolated_prods = \['number_loads_cut'],['number_prods_cut'], \['number_nodes_splitting'],['number_lines_switches'], \['distance_initial_grid'],['usage'], \['n_offlines_lines'],['number_unavailable_lines'], \['number_unavailable_nodes'],['max_number_isolated_loads'], \['max_number_isolated_prods'] else: old_number_loads_cut, old_number_prods_cut, old_number_nodes_splitting, old_number_lines_switches, \ old_distance_initial_grid, old_usage, old_n_offlines_lines, \ old_number_unavailable_lines, old_number_unavailable_nodes, old_max_number_isolated_loads, \ old_max_number_isolated_prods = [0] * 11 def print_variation(old_val, new_val, h): if new_val > old_val: plt.text(up_offset + 2, height - h - 7, up, fontdict={'size': 12}, color=(1., .5, .5)) elif new_val < old_val: plt.text(up_offset, height - h + 7, up, fontdict={'size': 12}, color=(.5, 1., .5), rotation=180.) plt.text(string_offset, height - 60, '# of isolated loads', fontdict={'size': 8.5}, color=string_color) plt.text(value_offset, height - 61, '%d' % number_loads_cut, fontdict={'size': 8.5}, color=(1., 0.3, 0.3) if number_loads_cut > max_number_isolated_loads else value_color) print_variation(old_number_loads_cut, number_loads_cut, 61) plt.text(value_offset, height - 60, ' / %d' % max_number_isolated_loads, fontdict={'size': 8.5}, color=value_color) plt.text(string_offset, height - 80, '# of isolated productions', fontdict={'size': 8.5}, color=string_color) plt.text(value_offset, height - 81, '%d' % number_prods_cut, fontdict={'size': 8.5}, color=(1., 0.3, 0.3) if number_prods_cut > max_number_isolated_prods else value_color) plt.text(value_offset, height - 80, ' / %d' % max_number_isolated_prods, fontdict={'size': 8.5}, color=value_color) print_variation(old_number_prods_cut, number_prods_cut, 81) plt.text(string_offset, height - 110, '# of node switches of last action', fontdict={'size': 8.5}, color=string_color) plt.text(value_offset, height - 110, '%d' % number_nodes_splitting, fontdict={'size': 8.5}, color=value_color) print_variation(old_number_nodes_splitting, number_nodes_splitting, 110) plt.text(string_offset, height - 130, '# of line switches of last action', fontdict={'size': 8.5}, color=string_color) plt.text(value_offset, height - 130, '%d' % number_lines_switches, fontdict={'size': 8.5}, color=value_color) print_variation(old_number_lines_switches, number_lines_switches, 130) plt.text(string_offset, height - 160, 'average line capacity usage', fontdict={'size': 8.5}, color=string_color) usage = 100. * np.mean(line_capacity_usage) plt.text(value_offset, height - 160, '%.1f%%' % usage if usage < 5000 else '∞', fontdict={'size': 8.5}, color=value_color) print_variation(old_usage, usage, 160) plt.text(string_offset, height - 180, '# of OFF lines', fontdict={'size': 8.5}, color=string_color) plt.text(value_offset, height - 180, '%d' % n_offlines_lines, fontdict={'size': 8.5}, color=value_color) print_variation(old_n_offlines_lines, n_offlines_lines, 180) plt.text(string_offset, height - 200, '# of unavailable lines', fontdict={'size': 8.5}, color=string_color) plt.text(value_offset, height - 200, '%d' % number_unavailable_lines, fontdict={'size': 8.5}, color=value_color) print_variation(old_number_unavailable_lines, number_unavailable_lines, 200) plt.text(string_offset, height - 220, '# of unactionable nodes', fontdict={'size': 8.5}, color=string_color) plt.text(value_offset, height - 220, '%d' % number_unavailable_nodes, fontdict={'size': 8.5}, color=value_color) print_variation(number_unavailable_nodes, number_unavailable_nodes, 220) plt.text(string_offset, height - 250, 'distance to reference grid', fontdict={'size': 8.5}, color=string_color) plt.text(value_offset, height - 250, '%d' % distance_initial_grid, fontdict={'size': 8.5}, color=value_color) print_variation(old_distance_initial_grid, distance_initial_grid, 250) fig.tight_layout() canvas = agg.FigureCanvasAgg(fig) canvas.draw() renderer = canvas.get_renderer() raw_data = renderer.tostring_rgb() size = canvas.get_width_height() img = pygame.image.fromstring(raw_data, size, "RGB") last_rewards_surface_shape = (self.left_menu_shape[0], height) last_rewards_surface = pygame.Surface(last_rewards_surface_shape, pygame.SRCALPHA, 32).convert_alpha() last_rewards_surface.fill(self.left_menu_tile_color) # last_rewards_surface.blit(img, (0, 30) if self.grid_case != 30 else (-100, 0)) last_rewards_surface.blit(img, (-20, 0)) gfxdraw.hline(last_rewards_surface, 0, last_rewards_surface_shape[0], 0, (64, 64, 64)) gfxdraw.hline(last_rewards_surface, 0, last_rewards_surface_shape[0], last_rewards_surface_shape[1] - 1, (64, 64, 64)) gfxdraw.vline(last_rewards_surface, 0, last_rewards_surface_shape[1] - 1, 0, (64, 64, 64)) gfxdraw.vline(last_rewards_surface, last_rewards_surface_shape[0], 0, last_rewards_surface_shape[1] - 1, (64, 64, 64)) # Keep current data for next data differences = {'number_loads_cut': number_loads_cut, 'number_prods_cut': number_prods_cut, 'number_nodes_splitting': number_nodes_splitting, 'number_lines_switches': number_lines_switches, 'distance_initial_grid': distance_initial_grid, 'usage': usage, 'n_offlines_lines': n_offlines_lines, 'number_unavailable_lines': number_unavailable_lines, 'number_unavailable_nodes': number_unavailable_nodes, 'max_number_isolated_loads': max_number_isolated_loads, 'max_number_isolated_prods': max_number_isolated_prods} return last_rewards_surface
[docs] def draw_surface_loads_curves(self, n_hours_to_display_top_loadplot, n_hours_to_display_bottom_loadplot): # Loads curve surface: retrieve images surfaces, stack them into a common surface, plot horizontal lines # at top and bottom of latter surface # compute the string number of days n_days_horizon = n_hours_to_display_top_loadplot // 24 img_loads_curve_week = self.create_plot_loads_curve( n_timesteps=int(n_hours_to_display_top_loadplot * 3600 // self.timestep_duration_seconds), left_xlabel=' {} day{} ago '.format(n_days_horizon, 's' if n_days_horizon > 1 else '')) n_hours_horizon = n_hours_to_display_bottom_loadplot img_loads_curve_day = self.create_plot_loads_curve( n_timesteps=int(n_hours_to_display_bottom_loadplot * 3600 // self.timestep_duration_seconds), left_xlabel='{} hours ago'.format(n_hours_horizon)) loads_curve_surface = pygame.Surface( (img_loads_curve_week.get_width(), 2 * img_loads_curve_week.get_height() + 30), pygame.SRCALPHA, 32).convert_alpha() loads_curve_surface.fill(self.left_menu_tile_color) loads_curve_surface.blit(self.bold_white_render('Historical total consumption'), (30, 10)) loads_curve_surface.blit(img_loads_curve_week, (0, 30)) loads_curve_surface.blit(img_loads_curve_day, (0, 30 + img_loads_curve_week.get_height())) gfxdraw.hline(loads_curve_surface, 0, loads_curve_surface.get_width(), 0, (64, 64, 64)) gfxdraw.hline(loads_curve_surface, 0, loads_curve_surface.get_width(), loads_curve_surface.get_height() - 1, (64, 64, 64)) return loads_curve_surface
[docs] def draw_surface_relative_thermal_limits(self, n_timesteps, left_xlabel='24 hours ago'): facecolor_asfloat = np.asarray(self.left_menu_tile_color) / 255. layout_config = {'pad': 0.2} fig = pylab.figure(figsize=[3, 1.5], dpi=100, facecolor=facecolor_asfloat, tight_layout=layout_config) ax = fig.gca() # Retrieve data for the specified time data = self.relative_thermal_limits data = data[-min(len(data), n_timesteps):] n_data = len(data) medians = np.median(data, axis=-1) p25 = np.percentile(data, 25, axis=-1) p75 = np.percentile(data, 75, axis=-1) p90 = np.percentile(data, 90, axis=-1) p10 = np.percentile(data, 10, axis=-1) maxes = np.max(data, axis=-1) mines = np.min(data, axis=-1) ax.fill_between(np.linspace(n_data, 0, num=n_data), p10, p90, color='#16AA16') # p10 p90 percentiles ax.fill_between(np.linspace(n_data, 0, num=n_data), p25, p75, color='#16DC16') # p25 p75 percentiles ax.plot(np.linspace(n_data, 0, num=n_data), medians, '#AAFFAA') # median ax.plot(np.linspace(n_data, 0, num=n_data), maxes, '#339966', '.', linewidth=.75) # max ax.plot(np.linspace(n_data, 0, num=n_data), mines, '#339966', '.', linewidth=.75) # min # ax.plot(np.linspace(n_data, 0, num=n_data), percentiles_10, '#33cc33') # ax.plot(np.linspace(n_data, 0, num=n_data), percentiles_90, '#33cc33') # Ticks and labels ax.set_xlim([n_timesteps, 1]) ax.set_xticks([1, n_timesteps]) ax.set_xticklabels(['now', left_xlabel]) ax.set_ylim([0, max(1.05, min(2., np.max([medians, p90, p10]) * 1.05))]) ax.set_yticks([0, .2, .4, .6, .8, 1]) ax.set_yticklabels(['', '20% ', '', '60% ', '', '100%']) label_color_hexa = '#D2D2D2' ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=6, pad=-23, labelcolor=label_color_hexa, direction='in') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=6, labelcolor=label_color_hexa) # Top and right axis ax.spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax.set_facecolor(np.asarray(self.background_color) / 255.) fig.tight_layout() canvas = agg.FigureCanvasAgg(fig) canvas.draw() renderer = canvas.get_renderer() raw_data = renderer.tostring_rgb() size = canvas.get_width_height() img_rtl = pygame.image.fromstring(raw_data, size, "RGB") rtl_curves_surface = pygame.Surface((img_rtl.get_width(), 2 * img_rtl.get_height() + 30), pygame.SRCALPHA, 32).convert_alpha() rtl_curves_surface.fill(self.left_menu_tile_color) rtl_curves_surface.blit(self.bold_white_render('Last 24h lines capacity usage'), (30, 10)) rtl_curves_surface.blit(img_rtl, (0, 30)) gfxdraw.hline(rtl_curves_surface, 0, rtl_curves_surface.get_width(), 0, (64, 64, 64)) gfxdraw.hline(rtl_curves_surface, 0, rtl_curves_surface.get_width(), rtl_curves_surface.get_height() - 1, (64, 64, 64)) return rtl_curves_surface
[docs] def draw_surface_n_overflows(self, n_timesteps, left_xlabel=' 7 days ago '): facecolor_asfloat = np.asarray(self.left_menu_tile_color) / 255. layout_config = {'pad': 0.2} fig = pylab.figure(figsize=[3, 1], dpi=100, facecolor=facecolor_asfloat, tight_layout=layout_config) ax = fig.gca() # Retrieve data for the specified time data = np.sum(np.asarray(self.relative_thermal_limits) >= 1., axis=-1) data = data[-min(len(data), n_timesteps):] n_data = len(data) ax.plot(np.linspace(n_data, 0, num=n_data), data, '#ff3333') # Ticks and labels ax.set_xlim([n_timesteps, 1]) ax.set_xticks([1, n_timesteps]) ax.set_xticklabels(['now', left_xlabel]) ax.set_ylim([0, max(1, np.max(data) * 1.05)]) ax.set_yticks([0, max(1, np.max(data))]) ax.set_yticklabels(['', '%d' % max(1, np.max(data))]) label_color_hexa = '#D2D2D2' ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=6, pad=-12, labelcolor=label_color_hexa, direction='in') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=6, labelcolor=label_color_hexa) # Top and right axis ax.spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax.set_facecolor(np.asarray(self.background_color) / 255.) fig.tight_layout() canvas = agg.FigureCanvasAgg(fig) canvas.draw() renderer = canvas.get_renderer() raw_data = renderer.tostring_rgb() size = canvas.get_width_height() img_rtl = pygame.image.fromstring(raw_data, size, "RGB") n_overflows_surface = pygame.Surface((img_rtl.get_width(), 2 * img_rtl.get_height() + 30), pygame.SRCALPHA, 32).convert_alpha() n_overflows_surface.fill(self.left_menu_tile_color) n_overflows_surface.blit(self.bold_white_render('Number of overflows'), (30, 10)) n_overflows_surface.blit(img_rtl, (0, 30)) gfxdraw.hline(n_overflows_surface, 0, n_overflows_surface.get_width(), 0, (64, 64, 64)) gfxdraw.hline(n_overflows_surface, 0, n_overflows_surface.get_width(), n_overflows_surface.get_height() - 1, (64, 64, 64)) return n_overflows_surface
[docs] def draw_surface_legend(self): surface_shape = (175, 355) surface = pygame.Surface(surface_shape, pygame.SRCALPHA, 32).convert_alpha() surface.fill(self.left_menu_tile_color) my_dpi = 100 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(surface_shape[0] / my_dpi, surface_shape[1] / my_dpi), dpi=my_dpi, facecolor=[c / 255. for c in self.left_menu_tile_color], clear=True, tight_layout={'pad': -.3}) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0, right=1, top=1, bottom=0, wspace=0, hspace=0) plt.axis('off') plt.ylim(0, surface_shape[1]) plt.xlim(0, surface_shape[0]) ax = fig.gca() ax.set_xlim(0, surface_shape[0]) ax.set_ylim(0, surface_shape[1]) # fig.subplots_adjust(0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0) ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) offset_text = 40 string_color = (180 / 255., 180 / 255., 180 / 255.) header2_color = (200 / 255., 200 / 255., 200 / 255.) header_color = (220 / 255., 220 / 255., 220 / 255.) value_color = (1., 1., 1.) plt.text(45, surface_shape[1] - 20, 'Legend', fontdict={'size': 12}, color=header_color) plt.text(5, surface_shape[1] - 50, 'Substations', fontdict={'size': 8.5}, color=header2_color) plt.text(offset_text, surface_shape[1] - 70, 'power output > 0', fontdict={'size': 8.5}, color=string_color) c = Circle((21, surface_shape[1] - 66), self.nodes_outer_radius, linewidth=1., fill=False, color=[c / 255. for c in (0, 153, 255)]) ax.add_artist(c) plt.text(offset_text, surface_shape[1] - 95, 'power output < 0', fontdict={'size': 8.5}, color=string_color) c = Rectangle((13, surface_shape[1] - 99), 2. * self.nodes_outer_radius, 2. * self.nodes_outer_radius, linewidth=1., fill=False, color=[c / 255. for c in (210, 77, 255)]) ax.add_artist(c) plt.text(offset_text, surface_shape[1] - 120, 'power output = 0', fontdict={'size': 8.5}, color=string_color) c = Rectangle((22, surface_shape[1] - 128), 2. * self.nodes_outer_radius, 2. * self.nodes_outer_radius, linewidth=1., fill=False, color=[c / 255. for c in (255, 255, 255)], angle=45.) ax.add_artist(c) plt.text(5, surface_shape[1] - 150, 'Power lines', fontdict={'size': 8.5}, color=header2_color) fig.lines.append(lines.Line2D([10, 33], [surface_shape[1] - 170, surface_shape[1] - 170], linewidth=1., color=[c / 255. for c in (51, 204, 51)])) fig.lines.append(lines.Line2D([20, 23], [surface_shape[1] - 167, surface_shape[1] - 170], linewidth=1., color=[c / 255. for c in (51, 204, 51)])) fig.lines.append(lines.Line2D([20, 23], [surface_shape[1] - 174, surface_shape[1] - 171], linewidth=1., color=[c / 255. for c in (51, 204, 51)])) plt.text(offset_text, surface_shape[1] - 174, 'direction of current', fontdict={'size': 8.5}, color=string_color) color_low = np.asarray((51, 204, 51)) color_middle = np.asarray((255, 93, 0)) color_high = np.asarray((255, 50, 30)) l = [] n = 50 for i in range(n): if i < n // 2: color = [c1 + (c2 - c1) * (i / (n // 2)) for c1, c2 in zip(color_low, color_middle)] l.append(lines.Line2D([15, 28], [surface_shape[1] - (190 + i), surface_shape[1] - (190 + i)], linewidth=1., color=[c / 255. for c in color])) else: color = [c1 + (c2 - c1) * ((i - n // 2) / (n // 2)) for c1, c2 in zip(color_middle, color_high)] l.append(lines.Line2D([15, 28], [surface_shape[1] - (190 + i), surface_shape[1] - (190 + i)], linewidth=1., color=[c / 255. for c in color])) fig.lines.extend(l) # Print lines charge indicators fig.lines.append(lines.Line2D([29, offset_text - 5], [surface_shape[1] - 190, surface_shape[1] - 190], linewidth=1., color=[c / 255. for c in [234, 234, 160]])) plt.text(offset_text, surface_shape[1] - 196, '0% capacity usage', fontdict={'size': 8.5}, color=string_color) fig.lines.append(lines.Line2D([29, offset_text - 5], [surface_shape[1] - 215, surface_shape[1] - 215], linewidth=1., color=[c / 255. for c in [234, 234, 160]])) plt.text(offset_text, surface_shape[1] - 219, '50% cap. usage', fontdict={'size': 8.5}, color=string_color) fig.lines.append(lines.Line2D([29, offset_text - 5], [surface_shape[1] - 239, surface_shape[1] - 239], linewidth=1., color=[c / 255. for c in [234, 234, 160]])) plt.text(offset_text, surface_shape[1] - 242, '100% cap. usage', fontdict={'size': 8.5}, color=string_color) # Overflowed lines fig.lines.append(lines.Line2D([10, 33], [surface_shape[1] - 259, surface_shape[1] - 259], linewidth=2., color=[c / 255. for c in (255, 20, 20)], figure=fig, linestyle='--', dashes=(2., .8))) fig.lines.append(lines.Line2D([19, 23], [surface_shape[1] - 255, surface_shape[1] - 259], linewidth=2., color=[c / 255. for c in (255, 20, 20)])) fig.lines.append(lines.Line2D([19, 23], [surface_shape[1] - 263, surface_shape[1] - 259], linewidth=2., color=[c / 255. for c in (255, 20, 20)])) plt.text(offset_text, surface_shape[1] - 263, 'overflowed', fontdict={'size': 8.5}, color=string_color) # OFF lines fig.lines.append(lines.Line2D([10, 33], [surface_shape[1] - 279, surface_shape[1] - 279], linewidth=1., color=[.8, .8, .8], figure=fig, linestyle='dashed')) plt.text(offset_text, surface_shape[1] - 283, 'switched OFF', fontdict={'size': 8.5}, color=string_color) plt.text(5, surface_shape[1] - 315, 'Last action changes', fontdict={'size': 8.5}, color=header2_color) c = Rectangle((12, surface_shape[1] - 335), 2.5 * self.nodes_outer_radius, self.nodes_outer_radius, linewidth=1., fill=True, color=[c / 255. for c in (255, 255, 0)]) ax.add_artist(c) plt.text(offset_text, surface_shape[1] - 335, 'node splitting', fontdict={'size': 8.5}, color=string_color) # color=[.8, .8, .8], figure=fig, linestyle='dashed')) # l.append(lines.Line2D([ori[0], ext[0]], [50 + ori[1], 50 + ext[1]], linewidth=.8, # color=[.8, .8, .8], figure=fig, linestyle='dashed')) # else: # l.append(lines.Line2D([ori[0], ext[0]], [50 + ori[1], 50 + ext[1]], linewidth=thickness, # color=[c / 255. for c in color], figure=fig, # linestyle='--' if rtl > 1. else '-', # dashes=(2., .8) if rtl > 1. else (None, None))) # fig.lines.extend(l) fig.tight_layout() canvas = agg.FigureCanvasAgg(fig) canvas.draw() renderer = canvas.get_renderer() raw_data = renderer.tostring_rgb() size = canvas.get_width_height() img_legend = pygame.image.fromstring(raw_data, size, "RGB") surface.blit(img_legend, (10, 5)) gfxdraw.hline(surface, 0, surface_shape[0], 0, (64, 64, 64)) gfxdraw.hline(surface, 0, surface_shape[0], surface_shape[1] - 1, (64, 64, 64)) gfxdraw.vline(surface, 0, surface_shape[1] - 1, 0, (64, 64, 64)) gfxdraw.vline(surface, surface_shape[0], 0, surface_shape[1] - 1, (64, 64, 64)) return surface
[docs] @staticmethod def draw_plot_pause(): pause_font = pygame.font.SysFont("Arial", 25) yellow = (255, 255, 179) txt_surf = pause_font.render('pause', False, (80., 80., 80.)) alpha_img = pygame.Surface(txt_surf.get_size(), pygame.SRCALPHA) alpha_img.fill(yellow + (72,)) # txt_surf.blit(alpha_img, (0, 0), special_flags=pygame.BLEND_RGBA_MULT) pause_surface = pygame.Surface((200, 70), pygame.SRCALPHA, 32).convert_alpha() pause_surface.fill(yellow + (128,)) pause_surface.blit(txt_surf, (64, 18)) return pause_surface
[docs] @staticmethod def draw_plot_game_over(): game_over_font = pygame.font.SysFont("Arial", 25) red = (255, 26, 26) txt_surf = game_over_font.render('game over', False, (255, 255, 255)) alpha_img = pygame.Surface(txt_surf.get_size(), pygame.SRCALPHA) alpha_img.fill(red + (128,)) # txt_surf.blit(alpha_img, (0, 0), special_flags=pygame.BLEND_RGBA_MULT) game_over_surface = pygame.Surface((200, 70), pygame.SRCALPHA, 32).convert_alpha() game_over_surface.fill(red + (128,)) game_over_surface.blit(txt_surf, (38, 18)) return game_over_surface
def _update_left_menu(self, epoch, timestep): self.left_menu = pygame.Surface(self.left_menu_shape, pygame.SRCALPHA, 32).convert_alpha() # Top info about epoch and timestep self.left_menu.blit(self.text_render('Epoch'), (30, 10)) self.left_menu.blit(self.text_render('Timestep'), (150, 10)) self.left_menu.blit(self.value_render(str(epoch)), (100, 10)) self.left_menu.blit(self.value_render(str(timestep)), (250, 10)) # Last reward surface # last_rewards_surface = self.draw_surface_rewards(rewards) # Loads curve surface if self.timestep_duration_seconds > 30 * 60: # 30 minutes n_hours_to_display_top_loadplot = 7 * 24 # 1 week else: n_hours_to_display_top_loadplot = 3 * 24 # 3 days n_hours_to_display_bottom_loadplot = 1 * 24 # 1 day loads_curve_surface = self.draw_surface_loads_curves( n_hours_to_display_top_loadplot=n_hours_to_display_top_loadplot, n_hours_to_display_bottom_loadplot=n_hours_to_display_bottom_loadplot) # Relative thermal limits curves # compute the horizon of x abscissa to display on monitoring curves n_hours_to_display = 24 # 1 day rtl_curves_surface = self.draw_surface_relative_thermal_limits( n_timesteps=int(n_hours_to_display * 3600 // self.timestep_duration_seconds)) # Number of overflowed lines curves n_hours_to_display = 24 # 1 day n_days_horizon = n_hours_to_display // 24 horizon_scale = 'day' if n_days_horizon <= 1: n_days_horizon = n_hours_to_display horizon_scale = 'hour' n_overflows_surface = self.draw_surface_n_overflows( n_timesteps=int(n_hours_to_display * 3600 // self.timestep_duration_seconds), left_xlabel='{} {}{} ago'.format(n_days_horizon, horizon_scale, 's' if n_days_horizon > 1 else '')) gfxdraw.vline(self.left_menu, self.left_menu_shape[0] - 1, 0, self.left_menu_shape[1], (128, 128, 128)) # self.left_menu.blit(last_rewards_surface, (0, 50)) self.left_menu.blit(loads_curve_surface, (0, 50)) self.left_menu.blit(rtl_curves_surface, (0, 380)) self.left_menu.blit(n_overflows_surface, (0, 560)) # noinspection PyArgumentList def _update_topology(self, scenario_id, date, relative_thermal_limits, lines_por, lines_service_status, prods, loads, are_substations_changed, game_over, cascading_frame_id, number_loads_cut, number_prods_cut, number_nodes_splitting, number_lines_switches, distance_initial_grid, line_capacity_usage, number_off_lines, number_unavailable_lines, number_unavailable_nodes, max_number_isolated_loads, max_number_isolated_prods, number_nodes_per_substation): self.topology_layout = pygame.Surface(self.topology_layout_shape, pygame.SRCALPHA, 32).convert_alpha() self.nodes_surface = pygame.Surface(self.topology_layout_shape, pygame.SRCALPHA, 32).convert_alpha() self.injections_surface = pygame.Surface(self.topology_layout_shape, pygame.SRCALPHA, 32).convert_alpha() self.lines_surface = pygame.Surface(self.topology_layout_shape, pygame.SRCALPHA, 32).convert_alpha() gfxdraw.vline(self.topology_layout, 0, 0, self.left_menu_shape[1], (20, 20, 20)) # Lines if self.relative_thermal_limits: if cascading_frame_id is None: self.relative_thermal_limits.append(relative_thermal_limits) else: self.relative_thermal_limits.append(relative_thermal_limits) lines_surf = self.draw_surface_grid(relative_thermal_limits, lines_por, lines_service_status, prods, loads, are_substations_changed, number_nodes_per_substation) offset = -68 if self.grid_case == 118 else -20 if self.grid_case == 30 else 0 self.topology_layout.blit(lines_surf, (0 + offset, 0)) # arrow_surf = self.draw_surface_arrows(relative_thermal_limits, lines_por, lines_service_status) # self.topology_layout.blit(arrow_surf, (0, 0)) diagnosis_reward = self.draw_surface_diagnosis(number_loads_cut, number_prods_cut, number_nodes_splitting, number_lines_switches, distance_initial_grid, line_capacity_usage, number_off_lines, number_unavailable_lines, number_unavailable_nodes, max_number_isolated_loads, max_number_isolated_prods) self.last_rewards_surface = diagnosis_reward # Legend legend_surface = self.draw_surface_legend() # Dirty if self.loads: if cascading_frame_id is None: self.loads.append(loads) else: self.loads.append(loads) # Nodes self.draw_surface_nodes_headers(scenario_id, date, cascading_result_frame=cascading_frame_id) # self.topology_layout.blit(self.lines_surface, (0, 0)) self.topology_layout.blit(self.last_rewards_surface, (690, 11)) self.topology_layout.blit(legend_surface, ( 815, self.last_rewards_surface.get_height() + (90 if self.grid_case != 118 else 30))) self.topology_layout.blit(self.nodes_surface, (0, 0)) # Print a game over message if game has been lost if game_over: self.topology_layout.blit(self.game_over_surface, (320, 320))
[docs] def render(self, lines_capacity_usage, lines_por, lines_service_status, epoch, timestep, scenario_id, prods, loads, date, are_substations_changed, number_nodes_per_substation, number_loads_cut, number_prods_cut, number_nodes_splitting, number_lines_switches, distance_initial_grid, number_off_lines, number_unavailable_lines, number_unactionable_nodes, max_number_isolated_loads, max_number_isolated_prods, game_over=False, cascading_frame_id=None): plt.close('all') def event_looper(force=False): for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() exit() elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE: pygame.quit() exit() if event.key == pygame.K_SPACE: pause_surface = self.draw_plot_pause() self.screen.blit(pause_surface, (320 + self.left_menu_shape[0], 320)) pygame.display.flip() return not force return force force = event_looper(force=False) while event_looper(force=force): pass # The game is not paused anymore (or never has been), I can render the next surface self.screen.fill(self.background_color) # Execute full plotting mechanism: order is important self._update_topology(scenario_id, date, lines_capacity_usage, lines_por, lines_service_status, prods, loads, are_substations_changed, game_over, cascading_frame_id, number_loads_cut, number_prods_cut, number_nodes_splitting, number_lines_switches, distance_initial_grid, lines_capacity_usage, number_off_lines, number_unavailable_lines, number_unactionable_nodes, max_number_isolated_loads, max_number_isolated_prods, number_nodes_per_substation) if cascading_frame_id is None: self._update_left_menu(epoch, timestep) # Blit all macro surfaces on screen self.screen.blit(self.topology_layout, (self.left_menu_shape[0], 0)) self.screen.blit(self.left_menu, (0, 0)) pygame.display.flip() # Bugfix for mac # pygame.event.get() self.boolean_dynamic_arrows = not self.boolean_dynamic_arrows
[docs]def scale(u, z, t): for k, v in case_layouts.items(): print(k) print([(int(a * u + -40), int(b * z + -0)) for a, b in v])
[docs]def recenter(): for k, v in case_layouts.items(): print(k) arr = np.asarray(np.absolute(v)) minix = np.min(arr[:, 0]) miniy = np.min(arr[:, 1]) maxix = np.max(arr[:, 0]) maxiy = np.max(arr[:, 1]) x = (maxix - minix) / 2. y = (maxiy - miniy) / 2. print([(int(a - x), int(-b - y)) for a, b in v])
if __name__ == '__main__': a = np.asarray(case_layouts[30]) print(np.min(a[:, 0])) print(np.max(a[:, 0])) print(np.min(a[:, 1])) print(np.max(a[:, 1])) a = np.asarray(case_layouts[14]) print() print(np.min(a[:, 0])) print(np.max(a[:, 0])) print(np.min(a[:, 1])) print(np.max(a[:, 1])) scale(1, 1., 0)