Using Environment information

Building actions

By construction, every agent has access to the current Environment of the simulator (see __init__ method of pypownet.agent.Agent displayed above). More formally, the environment member of the class Agent is an instance of pypownet.environment.RunEnv which is the interface to the simulator. A RunEnv notably contains a step method, which is used for computing the next observation, the resulting reward (which might depend on the action), and whether there was a game over. This method should not be explicitely used, since pypownet comes with a pypownet.runnner.Runner class (which is used when calling pypownet with CLI) and that automates the simulator looping.

RunEnv also contains the action space of the simulation. Formally, an action space is an instance of pypownet.environment.ActionSpace, which implements several functions that are used to build actions, which are instances of


In pypownet, the agents are not supposed to construct actions by manipulating but rather by using an ActionSpace, which is similar to an Action factory.

Given an instance environment of RunEnv, its action space can be assessed with environment.action_space.

Action understanding

Typically on natiowide power grids, dispatchers use two types of physical actions:

  • switching ON or OFF some power lines
  • switching the nodes on which elements, such as productions, consumptions, or power lines, are connected within their substation

These two types of physical actions constitute an Action in pypownet. Sometimes, dispatchers can negociate with producers to change their planned production schemes, but these operations are expensive and longer to process so they are not considered in pypownet.

Within the game, actions are managed as lists of binaries of consistent size within an environment. More precisally, this list is equivalent to the concatenation of two lists: one for the node switching operations, and one for the line status (ON or OFF) switching operations Each binary value of both lists correspond to the activation of a switch (1) or no activation of this switch (0), precisally:

  • a value of 1 in the line status switches subaction indicates to activate the switch of the corresponding line status of the line: if the prior line status is 0 (i.e. the line is switched OFF, or OFFLINE), then it will be put to 1 (i.e. the line is switched ON, or ONLINE) and vice versa
  • a value of 1 in the node switches subaction indicates to activate the switch of the node on which the corresponding element is directly connected: if the prior node on which the element is connected is 0, then this element will be connected the the node 1 (i.e. the second node of the substation of the element) and vice versa


The important thing to remember about actions is that they represent switches activations, for the lines status (ON or OFF) or the node on which productions, loads, line origins and line extremities are connected (0 or 1).

In practice, actions of class Action are not constructed by hands, but by using the ActionSpace (environment.action_space) There are essentially two ways of building actions:

  1. either build a binary numpy array of expected length and convert it to an action
  2. or by iteratively constructing an action by building blocks on top of a 0 action (i.e. do-nothing action)

Building actions from (numpy) arrays

The first way of constructing actions is to first build a binary array, such as a numpy array, and then to call the function environment.action_space.array_to_action. The expected size of the action (which is essentially a list), can be assessed at environment.action_space.action_length. Here is an example of an agent that outputs a random action where switches are randomly activated:

 import pypownet.environment
 import pypownet.agent

 class CustomAgent(pypownet.agent.Agent):
     def act(observation):
         action_space = self.environment.action_space
         expected_size = action_space.action_length

         random_action_asarray = np.random.choice([0, 1], expected_size)

         # Convery np array to Action (this function also verifies the good shape and binary-type of input array)
         random_action = action_space.array_to_action(random_action_asarray)
         return random_action

It is possible to use some structure of an Action while using numpy arrays. Recall that an Action is the concatenation of two lists: one for the switches of the topology, and one for the switches of the lines status. Actually, the list of nodes switches is made of the concatenation of 4 sublists which are the switches of the nodes of resp. productions, loads, origins of line and extremities of line. Each of these lists, including the lines status list, should be of size the total number of corresponding elements in the grid. These lengths can be retrieved from resp. environment.action_space.prods_switches_subaction_length, environment.action_space.loads_switches_subaction_length, environment.action_space.lines_or_switches_subaction_length, environment.action_space.lines_ex_switches_subaction_length, and environment.action_space.lines_status_subaction_length for the line status length. For instance, a grid with 2 productions, 3 consumptions, 4 origins of line and 4 extremities of line (there are in total 4 power line in the grid so 4 lines status), has actions of size 2+3+4+4+4=17 binary values.

For illustration, here are two agents which resp. randomly switches lines status and randomly switches loads nodes:

 import pypownet.environment
 import pypownet.agent

 class RandomLineStatusSwitches(pypownet.agent.Agent):
     def act(observation):
         action_space = self.environment.action_space
         expected_size = action_space.action_length

         action_asarray = np.zeros(expected_size)
         action_asarray[-action_space.lines_status_subaction_length:] = \
             np.random.choice([0, 1], action_space.lines_status_subaction_length)

         return action_space.array_to_action(action_asarray)
 import pypownet.environment
 import pypownet.agent

 class RandomLoadsNodesSwitches(pypownet.agent.Agent):
     def act(observation):
         action_space = self.environment.action_space
         expected_size = action_space.action_length

         # Build 0-subaction where no switch is activated for all elements (incl. lines status) except loads
         prods_switches_subaction = np.zeros(action_space.prods_switches_subaction_length)
         lines_or_switches_subaction = np.zeros(action_space.lines_or_switches_subaction_length)
         lines_ex_switches_subaction = np.zeros(action_space.lines_ex_switches_subaction_length)
         lines_status_switches_subaction = np.zeros(action_space.lines_status_subaction_length)

         # Build action with random activated switches for loads
         loads_switches_subaction = np.random.choice([0, 1], action_space.loads_switches_subaction_length)

         # Build an array on the same principle as an Action; /!\ the order is important here!
         action_asarray = np.concatenate((prods_switches_subaction,

         return action_space.array_to_action(action_asarray)

This first way of building actions (which is essentially building arrays), is quite simple to put in place for neural networks models ans such. However, it hardly exploit the grid structure (elements are decoupled regardin their substations). To perform more dispatchers-like action, the second way of building actions using the action space as a factory is preferred since an ActionSpace contains various helpers to retrieve pertinent information with the point of view of substations.

Building actions with the action space

The other way to construct actions is to consider an action as a container, which will store independent package of actions. The do-nothing action, which consist of an action where no switches are activated so equivalently to a list of only 0, is neutral to the environment: since no switch are activated, the whole topology of the grid stays intact, si it is as if there was no action at all. Based on this principle, we can replace parts of a do-nothing action with some meta-action, such as changing the configuration of a whole substation. For concrete usage of the action space, the the example of agents in Example of agents.

Here is the list the building methods of pypownet.environment.ActionSpace:

 return a do-nothing (neutral) action where no switch are activated.
 converts a numpy array into a proper Action; raises errors if the input array is not of good length, or contains non-binary values.
 retrieve the number of elements (productions + loads + line origins + line extremities) of a substation from its true ID.
 from a substation id, return the current switch values and type of the corresponding elements; this function returns two lists of size the number of elements of the substation from the input ID: the first one contains the binary values of the switches, while the second one returns the elementwise type of the concerned objects, which can be either pypownet.ElementType.PRODUCTION, pypownet.ElementType.CONSUMPTION, pypownet.ElementType.ORIGIN_POWER_LINE or pypownet.ElementType.EXTREMITY_POWER_LINE.
 within the input action, replace the value of the switches configuration related to input substation id with the input new configuration; this is the operation that changes the local topology of a substation with node switches.
 similarly to the previous one, replace the lines status of the lines of the input substation id with the input new values.
 same as before except that this function changes 1 line status based on the input line id, where lines id range from 0 to the number of lines of the grid - 1.
 verify that the input action or array-like container is of expected shape, and contains only binary values.

Reading observations

Class Observation

For their act method, the agents receive an observation which is extracted from the current state of the grid. Those observations are of type pypownet.environment.Observation, which is a class mainly acting as a container for several lists, and also contains several helpers functions juste like ActionSpace.

Precisally, an observation is composed of 1 datetime object (the current simulator date) and 36 lists of fixed (but different) sizes which are:

Element type Name Value type Description
  substations_ids >=0 int ID of the substation on which the productions (generators) are wired.
production prods_substations_ids >=0 int ID of the substation on which the productions (generators) are wired.
active_productions >=0 float Real power produced by the generators of the grid (MW).
reactive_productions float Reactive power produced by the generators of the grid (Mvar).
voltage_productions >0 float Voltage magnitude of the generators of the grid (per-unit V).
productions_nodes binary The node on which each production is connected within their corresponding substations.
initial_productions_nodes binary The initial (reference) node on which each load is connected within their corresponding substations.
planned_active_productions >=0 float An array-like container of the previsions of the active power of productions fur future timestep(s).
planned_voltage_productions >0 float An array-like container of the previsions of the voltage of productions for future timestep(s).
are_prods_cut binary Mask whether the productors are isolated (1) from the rest of the network.
load loads_substations_ids >=0 int ID of the substation on which the loads (consumers) are wired.
active_loads >=0 float Real power consumed by the demands of the grid (MW).
reactive_loads float Reactive power consumed by the demands of the grid (Mvar).
voltage_loads >0 float Voltage magnitude of the demands of the grid (per-unit V).
loads_nodes binary The node on which each load is connected within their corresponding substations.
initial_loads_nodes binary The initial (reference) node on which each production is connected within their corresponding substations.
planned_active_loads >=0 float An array-like container of the previsions of the active power of productions for future timestep(s).
planned_reactive_loads >0 float An array-like container of the previsions of the voltage of productions for future timestep(s).
are_loads_cut binary Mask whether the consumers are isolated (1) from the rest of the network.
origin of line lines_or_substations_ids >=0 int ID of the substation on which the loads (consumers) are wired.
active_flows_origin >=0 float Real power consumed by the demands of the grid (MW).
reactive_flows_origin float Reactive power consumed by the demands of the grid (Mvar).
voltage_flows_origin >0 float Voltage magnitude of the demands of the grid (per-unit V).
lines_or_nodes binary The node on which each load is connected within their corresponding substations.
initial_lines_or_nodes binary The initial (reference) node on which each production is connected within their corresponding substations.
extremity of line lines_ex_substations_ids >=0 int ID of the substation on which the loads (consumers) are wired.
active_flows_extremity >=0 float Real power consumed by the demands of the grid (MW).
reactive_flows_extremity float Reactive power consumed by the demands of the grid (Mvar).
voltage_flows_extremity >0 float Voltage magnitude of the demands of the grid (per-unit V).
lines_ex_nodes binary The node on which each load is connected within their corresponding substations.
initial_lines_ex_nodes binary The initial (reference) node on which each production is connected within their corresponding substations.
line lines_status binary Whether the lines are connected/ON (1) or disconnected/OFF (0)
ampere_flows >=0 float Total ampere flowing inside lines
thermal_limits >0 float Each line thermal limit in Ampere over which the line overflows
timesteps_before_lines_reconnectable >=0 int Number of timesteps before each line can be reconnected
timesteps_before_planned_maintenance >=0 int Number of timesteps before a line will be disconnected by going into maintenance

All of these lists containers (also including the datetime field) can be retrieved from an Observation observation with where name is one of the previous names (+ observation.datetime) e.g.:

 import pypownet.environment
 import pypownet.agent

 class CustomAgent(pypownet.agent.Agent):
     """ At each timestep, this agent selects all the even substations id, and
     switch the node of their production if any.
     def act(observation):
         action_space = self.environment.action_space
         # Build 0 action
         action = action_space.get_do_nothing_action()

         # Retrieve the substations ids
         substations_ids = observation.substations_ids

         # Loops on all substations
         for substation_id in substations_ids:
             # Selects even substations ids
             if substation_id % 2 == 0:
                 # Build new configuration: will activate switches of productions only
                 _, elements_type = action_space.get_switches_configuration_of_substation(action, substation_id)
                 new_configuration = np.zeros(len(elements_type))

                 # Activate all switches of productions
                 new_configuration[elements_type == pypownet.environment.ElementType.PRODUCTION] = 1

                 # Set new configuration for this substation within the buffer action
                 action_space.set_switches_configuration_of_substation(action, substation_id, new_configuration)

         return action


At any moment, you can retrieve the name of the lists and their associated description available in an Observation with the global python dictionary pypownet.environment.OBSERVATION_MEANING: print(pypownet.environment.OBSERVATION_MEANING)

The pypownet.environment.Observation class has several dispatcher-like functions as well as helper for manipulating them. Here is the list of functions of Observation:

as_dict:returns the observation as a dictionary, with the field name as keys (str) and the lists as values (np arrays) + the datetime value as a datetime Python object (note that the dictionary has 37 elements for all environments).
as_array:returns the observation as a numpy array: each list is concatenated (order is consistent for all environments) and returned as 1 numpy array of 1 dimension (essentially a list); note that datetime is not included in this array, and can be accesses with observation.datetime (as any other field member).
 helper function that computes the nominal lines capacity usage of the self observation: it performs elementwise division of the ampere flows in lines by their nominal thermal limit. A line capacity usage greater than 1 indicates an overflowed line.
 returns the list of value of the nodes on which each element of the substation with input id. This function also computes the type of element associated to each node value of the returned nodes-value list.
__keys__:returns a list of all the field name of the class as strings (list of size 37).
__str__:returns a prettify version of the observation (this is what can be seen when using -v -vv CLI arguments) as condenses matrices. Note: the substations ids are not included in this string.
 see after
as_minimalist:see after

The observation.get_nodes_of_substation is essentially similar to the action_space.get_switches_configuration_of_substation, because both their arguments returns (consitently) the pypownet.environment.ElementType of the elements of the substation with input substation id, and they both return the associated values of the elements. The difference is that the one in Observation returns the true node on which elements are connected within the self observation, whereas the one in ActionSpace returns the values of the switches in the input action.

Reducing the observation space

For an environment associated to the common grid case known as case14 (available in environment default14/), they are 438 values in the array return by any observation.as_array(). Some of these values are integer, other are float, and some are binaries. In any case, by construction some fields of an Observation are fixed throughout a given environment (such as default14/), including for instance observation.substations_ids. Some model approach including neural network have no precise way to naturally leverage some structure information, so reducing the observation by the fixed lists can help optimizing alorithms by shrinking uninformative values. No matter the final usage, there are two version of Observation which contains a subset of its fields:

  • pypownet.environment.MinimalistACObservation contains 26 lists + datetime and represents an Observation without the list fixed members (mainly the IDs list fields)
  • pypownet.environment.MinimalistObservation contains 14 lists + datetime and represent a MinimalistACObservation without the list members which are fixed in DC mode but not in AC mode (including voltages since one of the hypothesis of DC is all voltage to 1, also reactive power for similar reasons etc)

You can convert an Observation into a MinimalistACObservation with ac_minimalist_observation = observation.as_ac_minimalist() and a MinimalistACObservation into a MinimalistObservation with minimalist_observation = ac_minimalist_observation.as_minimalist(). Transitively, an Observation can be converted to a MinimalistObservation with minimalist_observation = observation.as_minimalist().

Both implement the following methods, which acts the same as the one of Observation with the same name: as_array, __keys__ and as_dict. Note that the function get_nodes_of_substation is not implemented in neither MinimalistACObservation or MinimalistObservation because those classes do not have the ids of the elements, so they are no way to find the various elements of a given substation for both these classes.