Source code for pypownet.grid

__author__ = 'marvinler'
# Copyright (C) 2017-2018 RTE and INRIA (France)
# Authors: Marvin Lerousseau <>
# This file is under the LGPL-v3 license and is part of PyPowNet.
import os
import numpy as np
import copy
from pypownet.chronic import TimestepEntries
import pypownet.environment
import math
import logging
import importlib

[docs]class DivergingLoadflowException(Exception): def __init__(self, last_observation, *args): super(DivergingLoadflowException, self).__init__(last_observation, *args) self.last_observation = last_observation self.text = args[0]
[docs]class GridNotConnexeException(Exception): def __init__(self, last_observation, *args): super(GridNotConnexeException, self).__init__(last_observation, *args) self.last_observation = last_observation
[docs]def compute_flows_a(active, reactive, voltage, are_lines_on): assert len(active) == len(reactive) == len(voltage) == len(are_lines_on) flows_a = np.zeros(len(active)) for i, (p, q, v, is_on) in enumerate(zip(active, reactive, voltage, are_lines_on)): if is_on: flows_a[i] = 1000. * math.sqrt(p ** 2 + q ** 2) / (3. ** .5 * v) # in A; return flows_a
[docs]class Grid(object): def __init__(self, loadflow_backend, src_filename, dc_loadflow, new_imaps): self.filename = src_filename self.dc_loadflow = dc_loadflow # true to compute loadflow with Direct Current model, False for Alternative Cur. self.save_io = False # True to save files (one pretty-print file and one IEEE) for each matpower loadflow comp. if not os.path.exists('tmp'): os.makedirs('tmp') # Initialize loadflow backend if loadflow_backend not in ['matpower', 'pypower']: raise ValueError('Loadflow computation backend {} is not supported; ' 'options: matpower (octave), pypower (python)'.format(loadflow_backend)) if loadflow_backend == 'matpower': from pypownet import configure_matpower # Import for this instance of __class__ an octave instance (even for pypower backend for loading grid) oct2py = importlib.import_module('oct2py') self.matpower = getattr(oct2py, 'octave') configure_matpower() # Will declare path dependencies and such self.Oct2PyError = getattr(importlib.import_module('oct2py.utils'), 'Oct2PyError') self.loadflow_options = self.matpower.mpoption('pf.alg', 'FDBX', 'pf.fd.max_it', 25, 'verbose', 0, 'out.all', 0) self.mpc = self.matpower.loadcase(self.filename, verbose=False) elif loadflow_backend == 'pypower': self.pypower = importlib.import_module('pypower.api') self.loadflow_options = self.pypower.ppoption(PF_ALG=2, PF_MAX_IT_FD=25, PF_TOL=1e-6, VERBOSE=0, OUT_ALL=0) self.mpc = self.pypower.loadcase(self.filename, expect_gencost=False) self.loadflow_backend_name = loadflow_backend # Change thermal limits: in IEEE format, they are contaied in 'branch' self.thermal_limits = np.asarray(new_imaps) self.mpc['branch'][:, 5] = np.asarray(new_imaps) self.mpc['branch'][:, 6] = np.asarray(new_imaps) self.mpc['branch'][:, 7] = np.asarray(new_imaps) self.new_slack_bus = self.mpc['bus'][:, 0][np.where(self.mpc['bus'][:, 1] == 3)[0][0]] # self.new_slack_bus = new_slack_bus # The slack bus is fixed, otherwise loadflow issues # Containers that keep in mind the PQ nodes (consumers) self.are_loads = np.logical_or(self.mpc['bus'][:, 2] != 0, self.mpc['bus'][:, 3] != 0) # Fixed ids of substations associated with prods, loads and lines (init., all elements on real substation id) self.loads_ids = self.mpc['bus'][self.are_loads, 0] self.n_nodes = len(self.mpc['bus']) self.n_prods = len(self.mpc['gen']) self.n_loads = np.sum(self.are_loads) self.n_lines = len(self.mpc['branch']) self.ids_lines = np.arange(self.n_lines) mapping_permutation, self.number_elements_per_substations = self.compute_topological_mapping_permutation() # Topology container: initially, all elements are on the node 0 self.topology = Topology(prods_nodes=np.zeros((self.n_prods,)), loads_nodes=np.zeros((self.n_loads,)), lines_or_nodes=np.zeros((self.n_lines,)), lines_ex_nodes=np.zeros((self.n_lines,)), mapping_array=mapping_permutation) self.logger = logging.getLogger('pypownet.' + __file__)
[docs] def get_number_elements(self): return self.n_prods, self.n_loads, self.n_lines
[docs] def get_thermal_limits(self): return self.thermal_limits
def _contains_nan(self): voltages = self.mpc['bus'][:, 7:9] flows = self.mpc['branch'][:, 13:] prods_q = self.mpc['bus'][:, 2] has_voltages_nan = np.isnan(voltages).any() or np.any(voltages > 1e10) has_flows_nan = np.isnan(flows).any() or np.any(flows > 1e10) has_prods_q_nan = np.isnan(prods_q).any() or np.any(prods_q > 1e10) return has_voltages_nan or has_flows_nan or has_prods_q_nan
[docs] def extract_flows_a(self, safe_mode=False): mpc = self.mpc bus = mpc['bus'] branch = mpc['branch'] # Compute the per-line Ampere values; column 13 is Pf, 14 Qf active = branch[:, 13] # P reactive = branch[:, 14] # Q voltage_perunit = np.array([bus[np.where(bus[:, 0] == origin), 7] for origin in branch[:, 0]]).flatten() # V base_kv = np.array([bus[np.where(bus[:, 0] == origin), 9] for origin in branch[:, 0]]).flatten() # baseKV if safe_mode: active[np.isnan(active)] = 1e5 active[active > 1e5] = 1e5 active[active < -1e5] = -1e5 reactive[np.isnan(reactive)] = 1e5 reactive[reactive > 1e5] = 1e5 reactive[reactive < -1e5] = -1e5 voltage_perunit[np.isnan(voltage_perunit)] = 1. voltage_perunit[voltage_perunit > 1e2] = 1e2 voltage_perunit[voltage_perunit < -1e2] = -1e2 are_lines_on = self.get_lines_status() voltage_absolute = voltage_perunit*base_kv # in V branches_flows_a = compute_flows_a(active=active, reactive=reactive, voltage=voltage_absolute, are_lines_on=are_lines_on) return branches_flows_a
@staticmethod def _synchronize_bus_types(mpc, are_loads, new_slack_bus): """ This helper is responsible for determining the type of any substation of a grid. This step is mandatory prior to compute any loadflow, as matpower is for example expecting a type value of 4 for isolated nodes, which ultimately leads to a matpower error if not correctly mentionned in the input grid. The function first seeks all substations that are neither origin of extremity of online lines. Their type values are put to 4. Then, 2 for the PV nodes values, 3 for the slack bus, and 1 for PQ nodes. """ bus = mpc['bus'] gen = mpc['gen'] # Computes the number of cut loads, and a mask array whether the substation is isolated are_isolated_loads, are_isolated_prods, are_isolated_buses = Grid._count_isolated_loads(mpc, crude_are_loads=are_loads) # Retrieve buses with productions (their type needs to be 2) bus_prods = gen[:, 0] # Check if the slack bus is isolated if are_isolated_buses[np.where(bus[:, 0] == new_slack_bus)[0][0]]: new_slack_bus = bus_prods[bus_prods != new_slack_bus][0] for b, (bus_id, is_isolated) in enumerate(zip(bus[:, 0], are_isolated_buses)): # If bus is isolated, put the value 4 for its type (mandatory for matpower) if is_isolated: bus[b, 1] = 4 else: # Otherwise, put 2 for PV node, 1 else if bus_id in bus_prods: # If this is the slack bus and a production, then put its type to 3 (slack bus) if int(bus_id) == int(new_slack_bus): bus[b, 1] = 3 continue bus[b, 1] = 2 else: bus[b, 1] = 1 @staticmethod def _count_isolated_loads(mpc, crude_are_loads, consistent_reorder=False): bus = mpc['bus'] gen = mpc['gen'] branch = mpc['branch'] crude_substations_ids = bus[:, 0] substations_ids = [] are_loads = [] # Swap indexes such that nodes of same substation are consecutive for output ordering if consistent_reorder: for i in range(len(crude_substations_ids) // 2): substations_ids.append(crude_substations_ids[i]) substations_ids.append(crude_substations_ids[len(crude_substations_ids) // 2 + i]) are_loads.append(crude_are_loads[i]) are_loads.append(crude_are_loads[len(crude_substations_ids) // 2 + i]) else: substations_ids = crude_substations_ids are_loads = crude_are_loads prods_ids = gen[:, 0] # Retrieves the substations id at the origin or extremity of at least one switched-on line branch_online = branch[branch[:, 10] != 0] # Get switched on lines # Unique ids of origin and ext of lines online non_isolated_buses, counts = np.unique(branch_online[:, [0, 1]], return_counts=True) fully_connected_buses = [bus for bus, count in zip(non_isolated_buses, counts) if count > 0] # Compute a mask array whether the substation is isolated are_isolated_buses = np.asarray([sub_id not in fully_connected_buses for sub_id in substations_ids]) # Compute mask whether a substation has a production (PV node) are_prods = np.array([g in prods_ids for g in substations_ids]) return are_isolated_buses[are_loads], are_isolated_buses[are_prods], are_isolated_buses # return sum(are_isolated_buses[are_loads]), sum(are_isolated_buses[are_prods]), are_isolated_buses def __vanilla_loadflow_backend_callback(self, fname_end=''): """ Performs a plain matpower callback using octave to compute the loadflow of grid mpc (should be mpc format from matpower). This function uses default octave mpoption (they control in certain ways how matpower behaves for the loadflow computation. :return: the output of matpower (typically mpc structure), and a boolean success of loadflow indicator """ if self.save_io: fname_end += '.py' if self.loadflow_backend_name == 'pypower' else '.m' fname = os.path.abspath(os.path.join('tmp', os.path.basename(self.filename))) + fname_end pprint = os.path.abspath(os.path.join('tmp', 'pp' + os.path.basename(self.filename))) + fname_end else: fname, pprint = '', '' if self.loadflow_backend_name == 'pypower': function = self.pypower.rundcpf if self.dc_loadflow else self.pypower.runpf try: output, loadflow_success = function(self.mpc, self.loadflow_options, pprint, fname) except (RuntimeError, RuntimeWarning, IndexError, ValueError): raise DivergingLoadflowException(None, 'The grid is not connexe') elif self.loadflow_backend_name == 'matpower': function = self.matpower.rundcpf if self.dc_loadflow else self.matpower.runpf try: output = function(self.mpc, self.loadflow_options, pprint, fname) loadflow_success = output['success'] except self.Oct2PyError: raise DivergingLoadflowException(None, 'The grid is not connexe') else: raise Exception('Should not happen') return output, loadflow_success
[docs] def compute_loadflow(self, fname_end): # Ensure that all isolated bus has their type put to 4 (otherwise matpower diverged) """ Given the current state of the grid (topology + injections), compute the new loadflow of the grid. This function subtreats the Octave pipeline to self.__vanilla_matpower_callback. :return: 0 for failed computation, 1 for success :raise DivergingLoadflowException: if the loadflow did not converge, raise diverging exception (could be because of grid not connexe, or voltages issues, or angle issues etc). """ self._synchronize_bus_types(self.mpc, self.are_loads, self.new_slack_bus) try: output, loadflow_success = self.__vanilla_loadflow_backend_callback(fname_end=fname_end) except DivergingLoadflowException as e: # Propagates error raise e # Save the loadflow output as current grid self.mpc = output # If matpower returned a diverging computation, raise proper exception if not loadflow_success or self._contains_nan(): raise DivergingLoadflowException(None, 'Power grid outage')
[docs] def normalize_prods_voltages(self, voltages): bus = self.mpc['bus'] gen = self.mpc['gen'] voltages[voltages <= 0] = 0. return np.asarray( voltages / np.asarray([basekv for i, basekv in zip(bus[:, 0], bus[:, 9]) if i in gen[:, 0]]))
[docs] def load_timestep_injections(self, timestep_injections, prods_p=None, prods_v=None, loads_p=None, loads_q=None): """ Loads a scenario from class Scenario: contains P and V values for prods, and P and Q values for loads. Other timestep entries are loaded using other modules (including If one of input except TimestepInjections are not None, they are all used for next injections (used in simulate with planned injections). :param timestep_injections: an instance of class Scenario :return: if do_trigger_lf_computation then the result of self.compute_loadflow else nothing """ assert isinstance(timestep_injections, TimestepEntries), 'Should not happen' # Change the filename of self to pretty print middle-end created temporary files self.filename = '' % (timestep_injections.get_id()) mpc = self.mpc gen = mpc['gen'] bus = mpc['bus'] # Import new productions values prods_p = timestep_injections.get_prods_p() if prods_p is None else prods_p prods_v = timestep_injections.get_prods_v() if prods_v is None else prods_v # Check that there are the same number of productions names and values assert len(prods_v) == len(prods_p), 'Not the same number of active prods values than reactives prods' gen[:, 1] = prods_p # Change prods v (divide by bus baseKV); put all to online then negative voltage to offline gen[:, 5] = self.normalize_prods_voltages(prods_v) gen[:, 7] = 1 gen[prods_v <= 0, 7] = 0 # Import new loads values loads_p = timestep_injections.get_loads_p() if loads_p is None else loads_p loads_q = timestep_injections.get_loads_q() if loads_q is None else loads_q # Check that there are the same number of productions names and values assert len(loads_q) == len(loads_p), 'Not the same number of active loads values than reactives loads' # Retrieve the invert mapping value that reorders the loads injections with respect to the current # node-splitting for dealing with order caused by artificial nodes invert_consistent_ordering_loads = self._invert_consistent_ordering_loads() bus[self.are_loads, 2] = invert_consistent_ordering_loads(loads_p) bus[self.are_loads, 3] = invert_consistent_ordering_loads(loads_q)
[docs] def discard_flows(self): self.mpc['branch'] = self.mpc['branch'][:, :13]
[docs] def set_voltage_magnitudes(self, new_voltage_magnitudes): self.mpc['bus'][:, 7] = new_voltage_magnitudes
[docs] def set_voltage_angles(self, new_voltage_angles): self.mpc['bus'][:, 8] = new_voltage_angles
[docs] def set_lines_status(self, new_lines_status): self.mpc['branch'][:, 10] = new_lines_status
[docs] def get_lines_status(self): return self.mpc['branch'][:, 10]
[docs] def set_flows_to_0(self): self.mpc['branch'][:, 13:] = 0.
@staticmethod def _nodes_to_substations(): """ Returns a function that converts a list of node substations ids with potential node-splitting header into a list of integer of true substations ids. """ return lambda array: list(map(lambda x: int(float(x)), list(map(lambda v: str(v).replace(ARTIFICIAL_NODE_STARTING_STRING, ''), array)))) def _consistent_ordering_loads(self): """ Returns a mapping function that takes an array as input, and order it such that node splitted loads are always at the same position ie in ascending order wrt their substation id. """ nodes_to_substations = self._nodes_to_substations() # Select mpc.bus lines of loads buses loads_buses = self.mpc['bus'][self.are_loads, :] # Compute true substations ids (unordered if node-splitted) loads_buses_substations = np.asarray(nodes_to_substations(loads_buses[:, 0])) consistent_ordering_loads = lambda values: values[np.argsort(loads_buses_substations)] return consistent_ordering_loads def _invert_consistent_ordering_loads(self): nodes_to_substations = self._nodes_to_substations() # Select mpc.bus lines of loads buses loads_buses = self.mpc['bus'][self.are_loads, :] # Compute true substations ids (unordered if node-splitted) loads_buses_substations = np.asarray(nodes_to_substations(loads_buses[:, 0])) invert_consistent_ordering_loads = lambda values: values[np.argsort(np.argsort(loads_buses_substations))] return invert_consistent_ordering_loads
[docs] def apply_topology(self, new_topology): # Verify new specified topology is of good number of elements and only 0 or 1 """ Applies a new topology to self. topology should be an instance of class Topology, with computed values to be replaced in self. :param new_topology: an instance of Topology, with destination values for the nodes values/lines service status """ cpy_new_topology = copy.deepcopy( new_topology) # Deepcopy as this function sometimes uses to-be-fixed Topology assert cpy_new_topology.get_length() == self.get_topology().get_length(), 'Should not happen' assert set(cpy_new_topology.get_zipped()).issubset([0, 1]), 'Should not happen' # Split topology vector into the four chunks new_prods_nodes, new_loads_nodes, new_lines_or_nodes, new_lines_ex_nodes = \ cpy_new_topology.get_unzipped() # Function to find the true id of the substation associated with one node node_to_substation = lambda node_id: str(node_id).replace(ARTIFICIAL_NODE_STARTING_STRING, '') # Change nodes ids of productions gen = self.mpc['gen'] for p, (prod_id, new_prod_node) in enumerate(zip(self.mpc['gen'][:, 0], new_prods_nodes)): prod_substation = node_to_substation(prod_id) if new_prod_node == 1: gen[p, 0] = float(ARTIFICIAL_NODE_STARTING_STRING + prod_substation) else: gen[p, 0] = float(node_to_substation(prod_id)) # Change nodes ids of lines (1 origin and 1 extremity per line) branch = self.mpc['branch'] for li, (line_or_id, new_line_or_node) in enumerate(zip(branch[:, 0], new_lines_or_nodes)): line_substation = node_to_substation(line_or_id) if new_line_or_node == 1: branch[li, 0] = float(ARTIFICIAL_NODE_STARTING_STRING + line_substation) else: branch[li, 0] = float(line_substation) for li, (line_ex_id, new_line_ex_node) in enumerate(zip(branch[:, 1], new_lines_ex_nodes)): line_substation = node_to_substation(line_ex_id) if new_line_ex_node == 1: branch[li, 1] = float(ARTIFICIAL_NODE_STARTING_STRING + line_substation) else: branch[li, 1] = float(line_substation) # Change nodes ids of loads bus = self.mpc['bus'] for lo, (load_node, new_load_node) in enumerate(zip(self.topology.loads_nodes, new_loads_nodes)): # If the node on which a load is connected is swap, then swap P and Q values for both nodes if new_load_node != load_node: are_loads = np.logical_or(self.are_loads[:self.n_nodes // 2], self.are_loads[self.n_nodes // 2:]) id_bus = np.where(are_loads)[0][lo] % (self.n_nodes // 2) # Copy first node P and Q tmp = copy.deepcopy(bus[id_bus, [2, 3]]) # Replace their values with the one of its associated node bus[id_bus, 2] = bus[id_bus + self.n_nodes // 2, 2] bus[id_bus, 3] = bus[id_bus + self.n_nodes // 2, 3] # Paste tmp values into asso. node bus[(id_bus + self.n_nodes // 2) % self.n_nodes, 2] = tmp[0] bus[(id_bus + self.n_nodes // 2) % self.n_nodes, 3] = tmp[1] # Change the ids of current loads tmp_id = id_bus if self.are_loads[id_bus] else id_bus + self.n_nodes // 2 self.are_loads[tmp_id] = False self.are_loads[(tmp_id + self.n_nodes // 2) % self.n_nodes] = True self.topology = cpy_new_topology
[docs] def get_topology(self): return self.topology
[docs] def compute_topological_mapping_permutation(self): """ Computes a permutation that shuffles the construction order of a topology (prods->loads->lines or->lines ex) into a representation where all elements of a substation are consecutive values (same order, but locally). By construction, the topological vector is the concatenation of the subvectors: productions nodes (for each value, on which node, 0 or 1, the prod is wired), loads nodes, lines origin nodes, lines extremity nodes and the lines service status. This function should only be called once, at the instantiation of the grid, for it computes the fixed mapping function for the remaining of the game (also fixed along games). """ # Retrieve the true ids of the productions, loads, lines origin (substation id where the origin of a line is # wired), lines extremity prods_ids = self.mpc['gen'][:, 0] loads_ids = self.mpc['bus'][self.are_loads, 0] lines_or_ids = self.mpc['branch'][:, 0] lines_ex_ids = self.mpc['branch'][:, 1] # Based on the default topology construction, compute offset of subvectors loads_offset = self.n_prods lines_or_offset = self.n_prods + self.n_loads lines_ex_offset = self.n_prods + self.n_loads + self.n_lines # Get the substations ids (discard the artificially created ones, i.e. half end) substations_ids = self.mpc['bus'][:self.n_nodes // 2, 0] # First, loop throug all the substations, and count the number of elements per substation substations_n_elements = [] for node_id in substations_ids: n_prods = (prods_ids == node_id).sum() n_loads = (loads_ids == node_id).sum() n_lines_or = (lines_or_ids == node_id).sum() n_lines_ex = (lines_ex_ids == node_id).sum() n_elements = n_prods + n_loads + n_lines_or + n_lines_ex substations_n_elements.append(n_elements) assert sum(substations_n_elements) == len(prods_ids) + len(loads_ids) + len(lines_or_ids) + len( lines_ex_ids) # Based on the number of elements per substations, store the true id of substations with less than 4 elements mononode_substations = substations_ids[np.where(np.array(substations_n_elements) < 4)[0]] mapping = [] # Loop through all of the substations (first half of all buses of reference grid), then loop successively if # its id is also: a prod, a load, a line origin, a line extremity. For each of these cases, node_mapping stores # the index of the id respectively to the other same objects (e.g. store 0 for prod of substation 1, because # it is the first prod of the prods id list self.mpc['gen'][:, 0] for node_id in substations_ids: # Discard artificially created buses node_mapping = [] if node_id in prods_ids: node_index = np.where(prods_ids == node_id)[0][0] # Only one prod per substation node_mapping.append(node_index) # Append because at most one production per substation if node_id in loads_ids: node_index = np.where(loads_ids == node_id)[0][0] + loads_offset # Only one load per subst. node_mapping.append(node_index) # Append because at most one consumption per substation if node_id in lines_or_ids: node_index = np.where(lines_or_ids == node_id)[0] + lines_or_offset # Possible multiple lines per subst node_mapping.extend(node_index) # Extend because a substation can have multiple lines as their origin if node_id in lines_ex_ids: node_index = np.where(lines_ex_ids == node_id)[0] + lines_ex_offset node_mapping.extend(node_index) # Extend because a substation can have multiple lines as their extrem. mapping.append(node_mapping) assert len(mapping) == self.n_nodes // 2, 'Mapping does not have one configuration per substation' # Verify that the mapping array has unique values and of expected size (i.e. same as concatenated-style one) assert len(np.concatenate(mapping)) == len( np.unique(np.concatenate(mapping))), 'Mapping does not have unique values, should not happen' assert sum([len(m) for m in mapping]) == self.n_prods + self.n_loads + 2 * self.n_lines, \ 'Mapping does not have the same number of elements as there are in the grid' return mapping, substations_n_elements
[docs] def export_to_observation(self): """ Exports the current grid state into an observation. """ mpc = self.mpc bus = mpc['bus'] gen = mpc['gen'] branch = mpc['branch'] # Lists and arrays helpers to_array = lambda array: np.asarray(array) nodes_to_substations = self._nodes_to_substations() substations_ids = to_array(bus[:, 0][:len(bus) // 2]).astype(int) # Generators data active_prods = to_array(gen[:, 1]) # Pg reactive_prods = to_array(gen[:, 2]) # Qg voltage_prods = to_array(gen[:, 5]) # Vg substations_ids_prods = to_array(nodes_to_substations(gen[:, 0])).astype(int) # Branch data origin active_flows_origin = to_array(branch[:, 13]) # Pf reactive_flows_origin = to_array(branch[:, 14]) # Qf voltage_origin = to_array([bus[np.where(bus[:, 0] == origin), 7] for origin in branch[:, 0]]).flatten() substations_ids_lines_or = to_array(nodes_to_substations(branch[:, 0])).astype(int) # Branch data extremity active_flows_extremity = to_array(branch[:, 15]) # Pt reactive_flows_extremity = to_array(branch[:, 16]) # Qt voltage_extremity = to_array([bus[np.where(bus[:, 0] == origin), 7] for origin in branch[:, 1]]).flatten() substations_ids_lines_ex = to_array(nodes_to_substations(branch[:, 1])).astype(int) thermal_limits = branch[:, 5] ampere_flows = self.extract_flows_a() # Loads data loads_buses = bus[self.are_loads, :] # Select mpc.bus lines of loads buses # Compute ordering of values to export such that the values always correspond to the same substations consistent_ordering_loads = self._consistent_ordering_loads() reordered_loads_buses = consistent_ordering_loads(loads_buses) active_loads = to_array(reordered_loads_buses[:, 2]) reactive_loads = to_array(reordered_loads_buses[:, 3]) voltage_loads = to_array(reordered_loads_buses[:, 7]) substations_ids_loads = to_array(nodes_to_substations(reordered_loads_buses[:, 0])).astype(int) # Retrieve isolated buses are_isolated_loads, are_isolated_prods, _ = self._count_isolated_loads(mpc, crude_are_loads=self.are_loads, consistent_reorder=True) # Topology vector prods_nodes, loads_nodes, lines_or_nodes, lines_ex_nodes = self.get_topology().get_unzipped() lines_status = to_array(branch[:, 10]).astype(int) return pypownet.environment.Observation(substations_ids, active_loads, reactive_loads, voltage_loads, active_prods, reactive_prods, voltage_prods, active_flows_origin, reactive_flows_origin, voltage_origin, active_flows_extremity, reactive_flows_extremity, voltage_extremity, ampere_flows, thermal_limits, lines_status, are_isolated_loads, are_isolated_prods, substations_ids_loads, substations_ids_prods, substations_ids_lines_or, substations_ids_lines_ex, timesteps_before_lines_reconnectable=None, timesteps_before_lines_reactionable=None, timesteps_before_nodes_reactionable=None, timesteps_before_planned_maintenance=None, planned_active_loads=None, planned_reactive_loads=None, planned_active_productions=None, planned_voltage_productions=None, date_year=None, date_month=None, date_day=None, date_hour=None, date_minute=None, date_second=None, productions_nodes=prods_nodes, loads_nodes=loads_nodes, lines_or_nodes=lines_or_nodes, lines_ex_nodes=lines_ex_nodes, initial_productions_nodes=None, initial_loads_nodes=None, initial_lines_or_nodes=None, initial_lines_ex_nodes=None)
[docs] def export_lines_capacity_usage(self, safe_mode=False): """ Computes and returns the lines capacity usage, i.e. the elementwise division of the flows in Ampere by the lines nominal thermal limit. :return: a list of size the number of lines of positive values """ mpc = self.mpc branch = mpc['branch'] to_array = lambda array: np.asarray(array) # Compute flows in Ampere using formula compute_flows_a flows_a = self.extract_flows_a(safe_mode) lines_capacity_usage = to_array(flows_a / branch[:, 5]) # elementwise division of flow a and rateA return lines_capacity_usage
def _snapshot(self, dst_fname=None): """ Saves a snapshot of current grid state into IEEE format file with path dst_fname. """ self._synchronize_bus_types(self.mpc, self.are_loads, self.new_slack_bus) if dst_fname is None: dst_fname = os.path.abspath(os.path.join('tmp', 'snapshot_' + os.path.basename(self.filename))) if not os.path.exists('tmp'): os.makedirs('tmp')'Saved snapshot at', dst_fname) if self.loadflow_backend_name == 'matpower': return self.matpower.savecase(dst_fname, self.mpc) elif self.loadflow_backend_name == 'pypower': return self.pypower.savecase(dst_fname, self.mpc)
[docs]class Topology(object): """ This class is a container for the topology lists defining the current topological state of a grid. Topology should be manipulated using this class, as it maintains the adopted convention consistently. """ def __init__(self, prods_nodes, loads_nodes, lines_or_nodes, lines_ex_nodes, mapping_array): self.prods_nodes = prods_nodes self.loads_nodes = loads_nodes self.lines_or_nodes = lines_or_nodes self.lines_ex_nodes = lines_ex_nodes # Function that sorts the internal topological array into a more intuitive representation: the nodes of the # elements of a substation are consecutive (first prods, then loads, then lines origin, then line ext.) concatenated_mapping_permutation = np.concatenate(mapping_array) self.mapping_permutation = lambda array: [int(array[c]) for c in concatenated_mapping_permutation] invert_indexes = [np.where(concatenated_mapping_permutation == i)[0][0] for i in range(len(concatenated_mapping_permutation))] self.invert_mapping_permutation = lambda array: [int(array[c]) for c in invert_indexes] self.mapping_array = mapping_array
[docs] def get_zipped(self): return self.mapping_permutation(np.concatenate( (self.prods_nodes, self.loads_nodes, self.lines_or_nodes, self.lines_ex_nodes)))
[docs] def get_unzipped(self): return self.prods_nodes, self.loads_nodes, self.lines_or_nodes, self.lines_ex_nodes
[docs] @staticmethod def unzip(topology, n_prods, n_loads, n_lines, invert_mapping_function): # Shuffle topology parameter based on index positions; invert_mapping_function should be the same as the # one used by the environment to convert the sorted topology into its internal representation topology_shuffled = invert_mapping_function(topology) assert len(topology_shuffled) == n_prods + n_loads + 2 * n_lines prods_nodes = topology_shuffled[:n_prods] loads_nodes = topology_shuffled[n_prods:n_prods + n_loads] lines_or_nodes = topology_shuffled[-2 * n_lines:-n_lines] lines_ex_nodes = topology_shuffled[-n_lines:] return prods_nodes, loads_nodes, lines_or_nodes, lines_ex_nodes
[docs] def get_length(self): return len(self.prods_nodes) + len(self.loads_nodes) + len(self.lines_ex_nodes) + len(self.lines_or_nodes)
def __deepcopy__(self, memo): cpy = object.__new__(type(self)) cpy.prods_nodes = copy.deepcopy(self.prods_nodes) cpy.loads_nodes = copy.deepcopy(self.loads_nodes) cpy.lines_or_nodes = copy.deepcopy(self.lines_or_nodes) cpy.lines_ex_nodes = copy.deepcopy(self.lines_ex_nodes) cpy.mapping_array = self.mapping_array cpy.mapping_permutation = self.mapping_permutation cpy.invert_mapping_permutation = self.invert_mapping_permutation return cpy def __str__(self): return 'Grid topology: %s' % ('[%s]' % ', '.join(list(map(str, self.get_zipped()))))