Source code for pypownet.environment

__author__ = 'marvinler'
# Copyright (C) 2017-2018 RTE and INRIA (France)
# Authors: Marvin Lerousseau <>
# This file is under the LGPL-v3 license and is part of PyPowNet.
import numpy as np
from copy import deepcopy
from enum import Enum
from collections import OrderedDict
from gym.spaces import MultiBinary, Box, Dict, Discrete


[docs]class IllegalActionException( def __init__(self, text, illegal_lines_reconnections, illegal_unavailable_lines_switches, illegal_oncoolown_substations_switches, *args): super(IllegalActionException, self).__init__(text, illegal_lines_reconnections, illegal_unavailable_lines_switches, illegal_oncoolown_substations_switches, *args)
# Wrappers for the exceptions of the game module
[docs]class DivergingLoadflowException( def __init__(self, last_observation, *args): super(DivergingLoadflowException, self).__init__(last_observation, *args)
[docs]class TooManyProductionsCut( def __init__(self, *args): super(TooManyProductionsCut, self).__init__(*args)
[docs]class TooManyConsumptionsCut( def __init__(self, *args): super(TooManyConsumptionsCut, self).__init__(*args)
[docs]class ElementType(Enum): PRODUCTION = "production" CONSUMPTION = "consumption" ORIGIN_POWER_LINE = "origin of power line" EXTREMITY_POWER_LINE = "extremity of power line"
# class ActionSpace(object):
[docs]class ActionSpace(MultiBinary): # def __init__(self, number_generators, number_consumers, number_power_lines, substations_ids, prods_subs_ids, # loads_subs_ids, lines_or_subs_id, lines_ex_subs_id): def __init__(self, number_generators, number_consumers, number_power_lines, number_substations, substations_ids, prods_subs_ids, loads_subs_ids, lines_or_subs_id, lines_ex_subs_id): self.prods_switches_subaction_length = number_generators self.loads_switches_subaction_length = number_consumers self.lines_or_switches_subaction_length = number_power_lines self.lines_ex_switches_subaction_length = number_power_lines self.lines_status_subaction_length = number_power_lines self.action_length = self.prods_switches_subaction_length + self.loads_switches_subaction_length + \ self.lines_or_switches_subaction_length + self.lines_ex_switches_subaction_length + \ self.lines_status_subaction_length super().__init__(self.action_length) self.substations_ids = substations_ids self.prods_subs_ids = prods_subs_ids self.loads_subs_ids = loads_subs_ids self.lines_or_subs_id = lines_or_subs_id self.lines_ex_subs_id = lines_ex_subs_id self._substations_n_elements = [len( self.get_substation_switches_in_action(self.get_do_nothing_action(as_class_Action=True), sub_id)[1]) for sub_id in self.substations_ids]
[docs] def get_do_nothing_action(self, as_class_Action=False): """ Creates and returns an action equivalent to a do-nothing: all of the activable switches are 0 i.e. not activated. :return: an instance of that is equivalent to an action doing nothing """ action =, np.zeros(self.loads_switches_subaction_length), np.zeros(self.lines_or_switches_subaction_length), np.zeros(self.lines_ex_switches_subaction_length), np.zeros(self.lines_status_subaction_length), self.substations_ids, self.prods_subs_ids, self.loads_subs_ids, self.lines_or_subs_id, self.lines_ex_subs_id, ElementType) return action if as_class_Action else action.as_array()
[docs] def array_to_action(self, array): """ Converts and returns an from a array-object (e.g. list, numpy arrays). :param array: array-style object :return: an instance of equivalent to input action :raise ValueError: the input array is not of the same length than the expected action (self.action_length) """ if isinstance(array, return array if len(array) != self.action_length: raise ValueError('Expected action as a binary array of length %d, ' 'got %d' % (self.action_length, len(array))) offset = 0 prods_switches_subaction = array[:self.prods_switches_subaction_length] offset += self.prods_switches_subaction_length loads_switches_subaction = array[offset:offset + self.loads_switches_subaction_length] offset += self.loads_switches_subaction_length lines_or_switches_subaction = array[offset:offset + self.lines_or_switches_subaction_length] offset += self.lines_or_switches_subaction_length lines_ex_switches_subaction = array[offset:offset + self.lines_ex_switches_subaction_length] lines_status_subaction = array[-self.lines_status_subaction_length:] return, loads_switches_subaction, lines_or_switches_subaction, lines_ex_switches_subaction, lines_status_subaction, self.substations_ids, self.prods_subs_ids, self.loads_subs_ids, self.lines_or_subs_id, self.lines_ex_subs_id, ElementType)
[docs] def _verify_action_shape(self, action): if action is None: raise ValueError('Expected binary array of length %d, got None' % self.action_length) # If the input action is not of class, try to format it into # (action must be array-like) if not isinstance(action, try: formatted_action = self.array_to_action(action) except ValueError as e: raise e else: formatted_action = deepcopy(action) prods_switches_subaction_length, loads_switches_subaction_length, lines_or_switches_subaction_length, \ lines_ex_subaction_length, lines_status_subaction_length = formatted_action.__len__(do_sum=False) if prods_switches_subaction_length and prods_switches_subaction_length != self.prods_switches_subaction_length: raise ValueError('Expected prods_switches_subaction subaction of size %d, got %d' % ( self.prods_switches_subaction_length, prods_switches_subaction_length)) if loads_switches_subaction_length and loads_switches_subaction_length != self.loads_switches_subaction_length: raise ValueError('Expected loads_switches_subaction subaction of size %d, got %d' % ( self.loads_switches_subaction_length, loads_switches_subaction_length)) if lines_or_switches_subaction_length and lines_or_switches_subaction_length != \ self.lines_or_switches_subaction_length: raise ValueError('Expected lines_or_switches_subaction subaction of size %d, got %d' % ( self.lines_or_switches_subaction_length, lines_or_switches_subaction_length)) if lines_ex_subaction_length and lines_ex_subaction_length != self.lines_ex_switches_subaction_length: raise ValueError('Expected lines_ex_subaction subaction of size %d, got %d' % ( self.lines_ex_switches_subaction_length, lines_ex_subaction_length)) return formatted_action
[docs] def get_number_elements_of_substation(self, substation_id): # Sanity check assert(substation_id in self.substations_ids) return self._substations_n_elements[np.where(self.substations_ids == substation_id)[0][0]]
[docs] def get_substation_switches_in_action(self, action, substation_id, concatenated_output=True): """ From the input action, retrieves the list of value of the switch (0 or 1) of the switches on which each element of the substation with input id. This function also computes the type of element associated to each switch value of the returned switches-value list. :param action: input action whether a numpy array or an element of class :param substation_id: an integer of the id of the substation to retrieve the switches of its elements in the input action. :param concatenated_output: False to return an array per elementype, True to return a single concatenated array :return: a switch-values list (binary list) in the order: production (<=1), loads (<=1), lines origins, lines extremities; also returns a ElementType list of same size, where each value indicates the type of element associated to each first-returned list values. """ if not isinstance(action, try: action = self.array_to_action(action) except ValueError as e: raise e assert substation_id in self.substations_ids, 'Substation with id %d does not exist' % substation_id # Save the type of each elements in the returned switches list elements_type = [] # Retrieve switches associated with resp. production (max 1 per substation), consumptions (max 1 per substation), # origins of lines, extremities of lines; also saves each type inserted within the switches-values list prod_switches = action.prods_switches_subaction[ np.where(self.prods_subs_ids == substation_id)] if substation_id in self.prods_subs_ids else [] elements_type.extend([ElementType.PRODUCTION] * len(prod_switches)) load_switches = action.loads_switches_subaction[ np.where(self.loads_subs_ids == substation_id)] if substation_id in self.loads_subs_ids else [] elements_type.extend([ElementType.CONSUMPTION] * len(load_switches)) lines_origins_switches = action.lines_or_switches_subaction[ np.where(self.lines_or_subs_id == substation_id)] if substation_id in self.lines_or_subs_id else [] elements_type.extend([ElementType.ORIGIN_POWER_LINE] * len(lines_origins_switches)) lines_extremities_switches = action.lines_ex_switches_subaction[ np.where(self.lines_ex_subs_id == substation_id)] if substation_id in self.lines_ex_subs_id else [] elements_type.extend([ElementType.EXTREMITY_POWER_LINE] * len(lines_extremities_switches)) assert len(elements_type) == len(prod_switches) + len(load_switches) + len(lines_origins_switches) + len( lines_extremities_switches), "Mistmatch lengths for elements type and switches-value list; should not happen" return np.concatenate((prod_switches, load_switches, lines_origins_switches, lines_extremities_switches)) if concatenated_output else \ (prod_switches, load_switches, lines_origins_switches, lines_extremities_switches), \ np.asarray(elements_type)
[docs] def set_substation_switches_in_action(self, action, substation_id, new_values): """ Replaces the switches (binary) values of the input substation in the input action with the new specified values. Note that the mapping between the new values and the elements of the considered substation are the same as the one retrieved by the opposite function self.get_substation_switches. Consequently, the length of the array new_values is len(self.get_substation_switches(action, substation_id)[1]). :param action: input action whether a numpy array or an element of class :param substation_id: an integer of the id of the substation to retrieve the switches of its elements in the input action :return: the modified action; WARNING: the input action is not modified in place if of array type: ensure that you catch the returned action as the modified action. """ if not isinstance(action, try: action = self.array_to_action(action) except ValueError as e: raise e new_values = np.asarray(new_values) _, elements_type = self.get_substation_switches_in_action(action, substation_id, concatenated_output=False) expected_configuration_size = len(elements_type) assert expected_configuration_size == len(new_values), 'Expected new_values of size %d for' \ ' substation %d, got size %d' % ( expected_configuration_size, substation_id, len(new_values)) action.prods_switches_subaction[self.prods_subs_ids == substation_id] = new_values[ elements_type == ElementType.PRODUCTION] action.loads_switches_subaction[self.loads_subs_ids == substation_id] = new_values[ elements_type == ElementType.CONSUMPTION] action.lines_or_switches_subaction[self.lines_or_subs_id == substation_id] = new_values[ elements_type == ElementType.ORIGIN_POWER_LINE] action.lines_ex_switches_subaction[self.lines_ex_subs_id == substation_id] = new_values[ elements_type == ElementType.EXTREMITY_POWER_LINE] return action
[docs] def get_lines_status_switches_of_substation(self, action, substation_id): assert substation_id in self.substations_ids, 'Substation with id %d does not exist' % substation_id lines_status_switches = action.lines_status_subaction[ np.where(np.logical_or((self.lines_or_subs_id == substation_id, self.lines_ex_subs_id == substation_id)))] assert len(lines_status_switches) == sum(self.lines_ex_subs_id == substation_id) + sum( self.lines_or_subs_id == substation_id) return lines_status_switches
[docs] def set_lines_status_switches_of_substation(self, action, substation_id, new_configuration): new_configuration = np.asarray(new_configuration) lines_status_switches = self.get_substation_switches_in_action(action, substation_id) expected_configuration_size = len(lines_status_switches) assert expected_configuration_size == len(new_configuration), 'Expected configuration of size %d for' \ ' substation %d, got %d' % ( expected_configuration_size, substation_id, len(new_configuration)) action.lines_status_subaction[np.where(np.logical_or( (self.lines_or_subs_id == substation_id, self.lines_ex_subs_id == substation_id)))] = new_configuration assert np.all(self.get_lines_status_switches_of_substation(action, substation_id) == new_configuration), \ "Should not happen"
[docs] @staticmethod def get_lines_status_switch_from_id(action, line_id): return action.lines_status_subaction[line_id]
[docs] @staticmethod def set_lines_status_switch_from_id(action, line_id, new_switch_value): action.lines_status_subaction[line_id] = new_switch_value
[docs]class ObservationSpace(Dict): def __init__(self, number_generators, number_consumers, number_power_lines, number_substations, n_timesteps_horizon_maintenance): self.number_productions = number_generators self.number_loads = number_consumers self.number_power_lines = number_power_lines self.number_substations = number_substations self.n_timesteps_horizon_maintenance = n_timesteps_horizon_maintenance self.grid_number_of_elements = self.number_productions + self.number_loads + 2 * self.number_power_lines dict_spaces = OrderedDict([ ('MinimalistACObservation', Dict(OrderedDict([ ('MinimalistObservation', Dict(OrderedDict([ ('active_loads', Box(low=-np.inf, high=np.inf, shape=(number_consumers,), dtype=np.float32)), ('are_loads_cut', MultiBinary(n=number_consumers)), ('planned_active_loads', Box(low=-np.inf, high=np.inf, shape=(number_consumers,), dtype=np.float32)), ('loads_nodes', Box(-np.inf, np.inf, (number_consumers,), np.int32)), ('active_productions', Box(low=-np.inf, high=np.inf, shape=(number_generators,), dtype=np.float32)), ('are_productions_cut', MultiBinary(n=number_generators)), ('planned_active_productions', Box(low=-np.inf, high=np.inf, shape=(number_generators,), dtype=np.float32)), ('productions_nodes', Box(-np.inf, np.inf, (number_generators,), np.int32)), ('lines_or_nodes', Box(-np.inf, np.inf, (number_power_lines,), np.int32)), ('lines_ex_nodes', Box(-np.inf, np.inf, (number_power_lines,), np.int32)), ('ampere_flows', Box(0, np.inf, (number_power_lines,), np.float32)), ('lines_status', MultiBinary(n=number_power_lines)), ('timesteps_before_lines_reconnectable', Box(0, np.inf, (number_power_lines,), np.int32)), ('timesteps_before_lines_reactionable', Box(0, np.inf, (number_power_lines,), np.int32)), ('timesteps_before_nodes_reactionable', Box(0, np.inf, (self.number_substations,), np.int32)), ('timesteps_before_planned_maintenance', Box(0, np.inf, (number_power_lines,), np.int32)), ('date_year', Discrete(3000)), ('date_month', Discrete(12)), ('date_day', Discrete(32)), ('date_hour', Discrete(24)), ('date_minute', Discrete(60)), ('date_second', Discrete(60)), ]))), ('reactive_loads', Box(low=-np.inf, high=np.inf, shape=(number_consumers,), dtype=np.float32)), ('voltage_loads', Box(low=-np.inf, high=np.inf, shape=(number_consumers,), dtype=np.float32)), ('reactive_productions', Box(low=-np.inf, high=np.inf, shape=(number_generators,), dtype=np.float32)), ('voltage_productions', Box(low=-np.inf, high=np.inf, shape=(number_generators,), dtype=np.float32)), ('active_flows_origin', Box(low=-np.inf, high=np.inf, shape=(number_power_lines,), dtype=np.float32)), ('reactive_flows_origin', Box(low=-np.inf, high=np.inf, shape=(number_power_lines,), dtype=np.float32)), ('voltage_flows_origin', Box(low=-np.inf, high=np.inf, shape=(number_power_lines,), dtype=np.float32)), ('active_flows_extremity', Box(low=-np.inf, high=np.inf, shape=(number_power_lines,), dtype=np.float32)), ('reactive_flows_extremity', Box(low=-np.inf, high=np.inf, shape=(number_power_lines,), dtype=np.float32)), ('voltage_flows_extremity', Box(low=-np.inf, high=np.inf, shape=(number_power_lines,), dtype=np.float32)), ('planned_reactive_loads', Box(low=-np.inf, high=np.inf, shape=(number_consumers,), dtype=np.float32)), ('planned_voltage_productions', Box(low=-np.inf, high=np.inf, shape=(number_generators,), dtype=np.float32)), ]))), ('substations_ids', Box(-np.inf, np.inf, (number_substations,), np.int32)), ('loads_substations_ids', Box(-np.inf, np.inf, (number_consumers,), np.int32)), ('productions_substations_ids', Box(-np.inf, np.inf, (number_generators,), np.int32)), ('lines_or_substations_ids', Box(-np.inf, np.inf, (number_power_lines,), np.int32)), ('lines_ex_substations_ids', Box(-np.inf, np.inf, (number_power_lines,), np.int32)), ('thermal_limits', Box(0, np.inf, (number_power_lines,), np.int32)), ('initial_productions_nodes', Box(-np.inf, np.inf, (number_generators,), np.int32)), ('initial_loads_nodes', Box(-np.inf, np.inf, (number_consumers,), np.int32)), ('initial_lines_or_nodes', Box(-np.inf, np.inf, (number_power_lines,), np.int32)), ('initial_lines_ex_nodes', Box(-np.inf, np.inf, (number_power_lines,), np.int32)), ]) super().__init__(dict_spaces) def seek_shapes(gym_dict, shape): """ Computes and returns the shape of self ie the set of all its attributes shapes as a tuple of tuples. :param gym_dict: an instance of gym Spaces :param shape: a container that is recursively filled with res :return: a tuple of tuples """ # loop through all dicts first for k, v in gym_dict.spaces.items(): if isinstance(v, Dict) or isinstance(v, OrderedDict): shape = seek_shapes(v, shape) # then save shapes for k, v in gym_dict.spaces.items(): if not (isinstance(v, Dict) or isinstance(v, OrderedDict)): shape += (v.shape,) if not isinstance(v, Discrete) else ((1,),) return shape self.shape = seek_shapes(self, ())
[docs] def array_to_observation(self, array): """ Converts and returns an from a array-object (e.g. list, numpy arrays). :param array: array-style object :return: an instance of equivalent to input action :raise ValueError: the input array is not of the same length than the expected action (self.action_length) """ expected_length = sum(list(map(sum, self.shape))) if len(array) != expected_length: raise ValueError('Expected observation array of length %d, got %d' % (expected_length, len(array))) def transform_array(gym_dict, input_array, res): # loop through all dicts first for k, v in gym_dict.spaces.items(): if isinstance(v, Dict) or isinstance(v, OrderedDict): input_array, res = transform_array(v, input_array, res) # then save shapes for k, v in gym_dict.spaces.items(): if not (isinstance(v, Dict) or isinstance(v, OrderedDict)): n_elements = if not isinstance(v, Discrete) else 1 # prod because some containers are flattened res[k] = input_array[:n_elements] input_array = input_array[n_elements:] # shift arrato discard just selected values return input_array, res _, subobservations = transform_array(self, array, {}) return Observation(**subobservations)
[docs]class MinimalistObservation(object): def __init__(self, active_loads, active_productions, ampere_flows, lines_status, are_loads_cut, are_productions_cut, timesteps_before_lines_reconnectable, timesteps_before_lines_reactionable, timesteps_before_nodes_reactionable, timesteps_before_planned_maintenance, planned_active_loads, planned_active_productions, date_year, date_month, date_day, date_hour, date_minute, date_second, productions_nodes, loads_nodes, lines_or_nodes, lines_ex_nodes): # Loads related state values self.active_loads = active_loads self.are_loads_cut = are_loads_cut self.loads_nodes = loads_nodes # Productions related state values self.active_productions = active_productions self.are_productions_cut = are_productions_cut self.productions_nodes = productions_nodes # Origin flows related state values self.lines_or_nodes = lines_or_nodes # Extremity flows related state values self.lines_ex_nodes = lines_ex_nodes # Ampere flows and thermal limits self.ampere_flows = ampere_flows self.lines_status = lines_status # Per-line timesteps to wait before the line is full repaired, after being broken by cascading failure, # random hazards, or shut down for maintenance (e.g. painting) self.timesteps_before_lines_reconnectable = timesteps_before_lines_reconnectable self.timesteps_before_planned_maintenance = timesteps_before_planned_maintenance # Per-line/per-gridelement timesteps to wait before it can be actionable, ie there is a 1 for the corresponding # element in the action self.timesteps_before_lines_reactionable = timesteps_before_lines_reactionable self.timesteps_before_nodes_reactionable = timesteps_before_nodes_reactionable # Planned injections for the next timestep self.planned_active_loads = planned_active_loads self.planned_active_productions = planned_active_productions self.date_year = date_year self.date_month = date_month self.date_day = date_day self.date_hour = date_hour self.date_minute = date_minute self.date_second = date_second
[docs] def as_array(self): return np.concatenate(( self.active_loads, self.are_loads_cut, self.planned_active_loads.flatten(), self.loads_nodes, self.active_productions, self.are_productions_cut, self.planned_active_productions.flatten(), self.productions_nodes, self.lines_or_nodes, self.lines_ex_nodes, self.ampere_flows, self.lines_status, self.timesteps_before_lines_reconnectable, self.timesteps_before_lines_reactionable, self.timesteps_before_nodes_reactionable, self.timesteps_before_planned_maintenance, np.asarray([self.date_year, self.date_month, self.date_day, self.date_hour, self.date_minute, self.date_second]).flatten(), ))
@staticmethod def __keys__(): return ['active_loads', 'are_loads_cut', 'loads_nodes', 'active_productions', 'are_productions_cut', 'productions_nodes', 'lines_or_nodes', 'lines_ex_nodes', 'ampere_flows', 'lines_status', 'timesteps_before_lines_reconnectable', 'timesteps_before_lines_reactionable', 'timesteps_before_nodes_reactionable', 'timesteps_before_planned_maintenance', 'planned_active_loads', 'planned_active_productions', 'datetime']
[docs] def as_dict(self): return {k: v for k, v in self.__dict__.items() if k in self.__keys__()}
[docs]class MinimalistACObservation(MinimalistObservation): def __init__(self, active_loads, reactive_loads, voltage_loads, active_productions, reactive_productions, voltage_productions, active_flows_origin, reactive_flows_origin, voltage_flows_origin, active_flows_extremity, reactive_flows_extremity, voltage_flows_extremity, ampere_flows, lines_status, are_loads_cut, are_productions_cut, timesteps_before_lines_reconnectable, timesteps_before_lines_reactionable, timesteps_before_nodes_reactionable, timesteps_before_planned_maintenance, planned_active_loads, planned_reactive_loads, planned_active_productions, planned_voltage_productions, date_year, date_month, date_day, date_hour, date_minute, date_second, productions_nodes, loads_nodes, lines_or_nodes, lines_ex_nodes): super().__init__(active_loads, active_productions, ampere_flows, lines_status, are_loads_cut, are_productions_cut, timesteps_before_lines_reconnectable, timesteps_before_lines_reactionable, timesteps_before_nodes_reactionable, timesteps_before_planned_maintenance, planned_active_loads, planned_active_productions, date_year, date_month, date_day, date_hour, date_minute, date_second, productions_nodes, loads_nodes, lines_or_nodes, lines_ex_nodes) self.reactive_loads = reactive_loads self.voltage_loads = voltage_loads self.reactive_productions = reactive_productions self.voltage_productions = voltage_productions self.active_flows_origin = active_flows_origin self.reactive_flows_origin = reactive_flows_origin self.voltage_flows_origin = voltage_flows_origin self.active_flows_extremity = active_flows_extremity self.reactive_flows_extremity = reactive_flows_extremity self.voltage_flows_extremity = voltage_flows_extremity self.planned_reactive_loads = planned_reactive_loads self.planned_voltage_productions = planned_voltage_productions
[docs] def as_array(self): return np.concatenate((super(MinimalistACObservation, self).as_array(), self.reactive_loads, self.voltage_loads, self.reactive_productions, self.voltage_productions, self.active_flows_origin, self.reactive_flows_origin, self.voltage_flows_origin, self.active_flows_extremity, self.reactive_flows_extremity, self.voltage_flows_extremity, self.planned_reactive_loads, self.planned_voltage_productions,))
@staticmethod def __keys__(): return ['reactive_loads', 'voltage_loads', 'reactive_productions', 'voltage_productions', 'active_flows_origin', 'reactive_flows_origin', 'voltage_flows_origin', 'active_flows_extremity', 'reactive_flows_extremity', 'voltage_flows_extremity', 'planned_reactive_loads', 'planned_voltage_productions']
[docs] def as_dict(self): return {k: v for k, v in self.__dict__.items() if k in self.__keys__() + super(MinimalistACObservation, self).__keys__()}
[docs] def as_minimalist(self): return super(MinimalistACObservation, self)
[docs]class Observation(MinimalistACObservation): """ The class State is a container for all the values representing the state of a given grid at a given time. It contains the following values: * The active and reactive power values of the loads * The active power values and the voltage setpoints of the productions * The values of the power through the lines: the active and reactive values at the origin/extremity of the lines as well as the lines capacity usage * The exhaustive topology of the grid, as a stacked vector of one-hot vectors """ def __init__(self, substations_ids, active_loads, reactive_loads, voltage_loads, active_productions, reactive_productions, voltage_productions, active_flows_origin, reactive_flows_origin, voltage_flows_origin, active_flows_extremity, reactive_flows_extremity, voltage_flows_extremity, ampere_flows, thermal_limits, lines_status, are_loads_cut, are_productions_cut, loads_substations_ids, productions_substations_ids, lines_or_substations_ids, lines_ex_substations_ids, timesteps_before_lines_reconnectable, timesteps_before_lines_reactionable, timesteps_before_nodes_reactionable, timesteps_before_planned_maintenance, planned_active_loads, planned_reactive_loads, planned_active_productions, planned_voltage_productions, date_year, date_month, date_day, date_hour, date_minute, date_second, productions_nodes, loads_nodes, lines_or_nodes, lines_ex_nodes, initial_productions_nodes, initial_loads_nodes, initial_lines_or_nodes, initial_lines_ex_nodes): super(Observation, self).__init__(active_loads, reactive_loads, voltage_loads, active_productions, reactive_productions, voltage_productions, active_flows_origin, reactive_flows_origin, voltage_flows_origin, active_flows_extremity, reactive_flows_extremity, voltage_flows_extremity, ampere_flows, lines_status, are_loads_cut, are_productions_cut, timesteps_before_lines_reconnectable, timesteps_before_lines_reactionable, timesteps_before_nodes_reactionable, timesteps_before_planned_maintenance, planned_active_loads, planned_reactive_loads, planned_active_productions, planned_voltage_productions, date_year, date_month, date_day, date_hour, date_minute, date_second, productions_nodes, loads_nodes, lines_or_nodes, lines_ex_nodes) # Fixed ids of elements: substations, loads, prods, lines or and lines ex self.substations_ids = substations_ids self.loads_substations_ids = loads_substations_ids self.productions_substations_ids = productions_substations_ids self.lines_or_substations_ids = lines_or_substations_ids self.lines_ex_substations_ids = lines_ex_substations_ids self.thermal_limits = thermal_limits # Initial topology self.initial_productions_nodes = initial_productions_nodes self.initial_loads_nodes = initial_loads_nodes self.initial_lines_or_nodes = initial_lines_or_nodes self.initial_lines_ex_nodes = initial_lines_ex_nodes
[docs] def as_dict(self): return self.__dict__
[docs] def as_array(self): return np.concatenate((super(Observation, self).as_array(), self.substations_ids, self.loads_substations_ids, self.productions_substations_ids, self.lines_or_substations_ids, self.lines_ex_substations_ids, self.thermal_limits, self.initial_productions_nodes, self.initial_loads_nodes, self.initial_lines_or_nodes, self.initial_lines_ex_nodes, ))
[docs] def as_ac_minimalist(self): return super(Observation, self)
[docs] def as_minimalist(self): return super(Observation, self).as_minimalist()
[docs] def get_nodes_of_substation(self, substation_id): """ From the current observation, retrieves the list of value of the nodes on which each element of the substation with input id. This function also computes the type of element associated to each node value of the returned nodes-value list. :param substation_id: an integer of the id of the substation to retrieve the nodes on which its elements are wired :return: a nodes-values list in the order: production (<=1), loads (<=1), lines origins, lines extremities; also returns a ElementType list of same size, where each value indicates the type of element associated to each first-returned list values. """ assert substation_id in self.substations_ids, \ 'Substation with id {} does not exist; available substations: {}'.format(substation_id, self.substations_ids) # Save the type of each elements in the returned nodes list elements_type = [] # Retrieve nodes associated with resp. production (max 1 per substation), consumptions (max 1 per substation), # origins of lines, extremities of lines; also saves each type inserted within the nodes-values list prod_nodes = self.productions_nodes[np.where( self.productions_substations_ids == substation_id)] if substation_id in \ self.productions_substations_ids else [] elements_type.extend([ElementType.PRODUCTION] * len(prod_nodes)) load_nodes = self.loads_nodes[np.where( self.loads_substations_ids == substation_id)] if substation_id in self.loads_substations_ids else [] elements_type.extend([ElementType.CONSUMPTION] * len(load_nodes)) lines_origin_nodes = self.lines_or_nodes[np.where( self.lines_or_substations_ids == substation_id)] if substation_id in self.lines_or_substations_ids else [] elements_type.extend([ElementType.ORIGIN_POWER_LINE] * len(lines_origin_nodes)) lines_extremities_nodes = self.lines_ex_nodes[np.where( self.lines_ex_substations_ids == substation_id)] if substation_id in self.lines_ex_substations_ids else [] elements_type.extend([ElementType.EXTREMITY_POWER_LINE] * len(lines_extremities_nodes)) assert len(elements_type) == len(prod_nodes) + len(load_nodes) + len(lines_origin_nodes) + len( lines_extremities_nodes), "Mistmatch lengths for elements type and nodes-value list; should not happen" return np.concatenate((prod_nodes, load_nodes, lines_origin_nodes, lines_extremities_nodes)), elements_type
[docs] def get_lines_status_of_substation(self, substation_id): """ From the current observation, retrieves the list of lines status (binary) from lines connected to the input substations. This function also computes and retrieve the list of ifs of ids at the other end of each corresponding lines. :param substation_id: an integer of the id of the substation to retrieve the nodes on which its elements are wired :return: (consistently fixed-order list of binary (0 or 1) values, list of ids of other end substations) """ assert substation_id in self.substations_ids, \ 'Substation with id {} does not exist; available substations: {}'.format(substation_id, self.substations_ids) lines_status = self.lines_status lines_origin_substations_ids = self.lines_or_substations_ids lines_extremity_substations_ids = self.lines_ex_substations_ids # get lines with origin or extremity at input substation ori_subs_ids = lines_origin_substations_ids == substation_id ext_subs_ids = lines_extremity_substations_ids == substation_id are_concerned_lines = np.logical_or(ori_subs_ids, ext_subs_ids) concerned_lines_status = lines_status[are_concerned_lines] # compute output array with respected order independently of origin or extremity other_end_subs_ids = [] for i, (ori_sub_id, ext_sub_id) in enumerate(zip(ori_subs_ids, ext_subs_ids)): if ori_sub_id: other_end_subs_ids.append(lines_extremity_substations_ids[i]) elif ext_sub_id: other_end_subs_ids.append(lines_origin_substations_ids[i]) assert len(other_end_subs_ids) == len(concerned_lines_status) return concerned_lines_status, list(map(int, other_end_subs_ids))
[docs] def get_lines_capacity_usage(self): return np.divide(self.ampere_flows, self.thermal_limits)
def __str__(self): date_str = 'date: %d of %d of %d at %dh%dm%ds' % (self.date_year, self.date_month, self.date_day, self.date_hour, self.date_minute, self.date_second) def _tabular_prettifier(matrix, formats, column_widths): """ Used for printing well shaped tables within terminal and log files """ res = ' |' + ' |'.join('-' * (w - 1) for w in column_widths) + ' |\n' matrix_str = [[fmt.format(v) for v, fmt in zip(line, formats)] for line in matrix] for line in matrix_str: line_str = ' |' + ' |'.join(' ' * (w - 1 - len(v)) + v for v, w in zip(line, column_widths)) + ' |\n' res += line_str return res # Prods headers = ['Sub. #', 'Node #', 'OFF', 'P', 'Q', 'V', 'P', 'V'] content = np.vstack((self.productions_substations_ids, self.productions_nodes, self.are_productions_cut, self.active_productions, self.reactive_productions, self.voltage_productions, self.planned_active_productions, self.planned_voltage_productions)).T # Format header then add matrix as string n_symbols = 67 column_widths = [8, 8, 5, 8, 7, 7, 8, 7] prods_header = ' ' + '=' * n_symbols + '\n' + \ ' |' + ' ' * ((n_symbols - 13) // 2) + 'PRODUCTIONS' + ' ' * ( (n_symbols - 12) // 2) + '|' + '\n' + \ ' ' + '=' * n_symbols + '\n' prods_header += ' | | is | Current | Previsions t+1 |\n' prods_header += ' |' + ' |'.join( ' ' * (w - 1 - len(v)) + v for v, w in zip(headers, column_widths)) + ' |\n' prods_str = prods_header + _tabular_prettifier(content, formats=['{:.0f}', '{:.0f}', '{:.0f}', '{:.1f}', '{:.2f}', '{:.2f}', '{:.2f}', '{:.2f}'], column_widths=column_widths) # Loads n_symbols = 68 column_widths = [8, 8, 5, 8, 7, 7, 8, 8] headers = ['Sub. #', 'Node #', 'OFF', 'P', 'Q', 'V', 'P', 'Q'] content = np.vstack((self.loads_substations_ids, self.loads_nodes, self.are_loads_cut, self.active_loads, self.reactive_loads, self.voltage_loads, self.planned_active_loads, self.planned_reactive_loads)).T loads_header = ' ' + '=' * n_symbols + '\n' + \ ' |' + ' ' * ((n_symbols - 6) // 2) + 'LOADS' + ' ' * ((n_symbols - 7) // 2) + '|' + '\n' + \ ' ' + '=' * n_symbols + '\n' loads_header += ' | | is | Current | Previsions t+1 |\n' loads_header += ' |' + ' |'.join( ' ' * (w - 1 - len(v)) + v for v, w in zip(headers, column_widths)) + ' |\n' loads_str = loads_header + _tabular_prettifier(content, formats=['{:.0f}', '{:.0f}', '{:.0f}', '{:.1f}', '{:.2f}', '{:.2f}', '{:.1f}', '{:.2f}'], column_widths=column_widths) # Concatenate both strings horizontally prods_lines = prods_str.splitlines() loads_lines = loads_str.splitlines() injections_str = '' for prod_line, load_line in zip(prods_lines, loads_lines[:len(prods_lines)]): injections_str += load_line + ' ' + prod_line + '\n' injections_str += '\n'.join(loads_lines[len(prods_lines):]) + '\n' # Lines headers = ['sub. #', 'node #', 'sub. #', 'node #', 'ON', 'P', 'Q', 'V', 'P', 'Q', 'V', 'Ampere', 'limits ', 'maintenance', 'reconnectable'] column_widths = [8, 8, 8, 8, 4, 8, 7, 6, 8, 7, 6, 8, 9, 13, 15] content = np.vstack((self.lines_or_substations_ids, self.lines_or_nodes, self.lines_ex_substations_ids, self.lines_ex_nodes, self.lines_status, self.active_flows_origin, self.reactive_flows_origin, self.voltage_flows_origin, self.active_flows_extremity, self.reactive_flows_extremity, self.voltage_flows_extremity, self.ampere_flows, self.thermal_limits, self.timesteps_before_planned_maintenance, self.timesteps_before_lines_reconnectable)).T n_symbols = 139 lines_header = ' ' + '=' * n_symbols + '\n' + \ ' |' + ' ' * ((n_symbols - 7) // 2) + 'LINES' + ' ' * ((n_symbols - 7) // 2) + '|' + '\n' + \ ' ' + '=' * n_symbols + '\n' lines_header += ' | Origin | Extremity | is | Origin | Extremity | ' \ 'Flows | Thermal | Timesteps before |\n' lines_header += ' |' + ' |'.join( ' ' * (w - 1 - len(v)) + v for v, w in zip(headers, column_widths)) + ' |\n' lines_str = lines_header + _tabular_prettifier(content, formats=['{:.0f}', '{:.0f}', '{:.0f}', '{:.0f}', '{:.0f}', '{:.1f}', '{:.1f}', '{:.2f}', '{:.1f}', '{:.1f}', '{:.2f}', '{:.1f}', '{:.0f}', '{:.0f}', '{:.0f}'], column_widths=column_widths) return '\n\n'.join([date_str, injections_str, lines_str])
[docs]class RunEnv(object): def __init__(self, parameters_folder, game_level, chronic_looping_mode='natural', start_id=0, game_over_mode='soft', renderer_latency=None, without_overflow_cutoff=False, seed=None): """ Instantiate the game Environment based on the specified parameters. Saves class object arguments and declares to be instantiated environment object. The function subcontracts the initialization of objects to self.reset. """ # save parameters self.parameters_folder = parameters_folder self.game_level = game_level self.chronic_looping_mode = chronic_looping_mode self.start_id = start_id self.game_over_mode = game_over_mode self.renderer_latency = renderer_latency self.without_overflow_cutoff = without_overflow_cutoff = None self.action_space = None self.observation_space = None self.reward_signal = None self.last_rewards = None if seed is not None: np.random.seed(seed) self.reset()
[docs] def reset(self): """ Instantiate the game Environment based on the specified parameters. """ # Instantiate game & action space =, game_level=self.game_level, chronic_looping_mode=self.chronic_looping_mode, chronic_starting_id=self.start_id, game_over_mode=self.game_over_mode, renderer_frame_latency=self.renderer_latency, without_overflow_cutoff=self.without_overflow_cutoff) self.action_space = ActionSpace(*,,,,, n_prods, n_loads, n_lines, n_substations = self.observation_space = ObservationSpace(n_prods, n_loads, n_lines, n_substations, self.reward_signal = self.last_rewards = [] return self.get_observation(True) # in pypownet, the convention is to return any env objects as arrays
[docs] def get_observation(self, as_array=True): observation = return observation.as_array() if as_array else observation
[docs] def _get_obs(self): return self.get_observation(False)
[docs] def is_action_valid(self, action): return
[docs] def step(self, action, do_sum=True): """ Performs a game step given an action. The as list pattern is: load_cut_reward, prod_cut_reward, action_cost_reward, reference_grid_distance_reward, line_usage_reward """ # First verify that the action is in expected condition: one array (or list) of expected size of 0 or 1 try: submitted_action = self.action_space._verify_action_shape(action) except IllegalActionException as e: raise e observation, reward_flag, done = reward_flag = self.__wrap_exception(reward_flag) reward_aslist = self.reward_signal.compute_reward(observation=observation, action=submitted_action, flag=reward_flag) self.last_rewards = reward_aslist return observation.as_array() if observation is not None else observation, \ sum(reward_aslist) if do_sum else reward_aslist, done, reward_flag
[docs] def simulate(self, action, do_sum=True): """ Computes the reward of the simulation of action to the current grid. """ # First verify that the action is in expected condition: one array (or list) of expected size of 0 or 1 try: to_simulate_action = self.action_space._verify_action_shape(action) except IllegalActionException as e: raise e observation, reward_flag, done = reward_flag = self.__wrap_exception(reward_flag) reward_aslist = self.reward_signal.compute_reward(observation=observation, action=to_simulate_action, flag=reward_flag) self.last_rewards = reward_aslist return observation.as_array() if observation is not None else observation, \ sum(reward_aslist) if do_sum else reward_aslist, done, reward_flag
[docs] def process_game_over(self): return self.get_observation()
[docs] def render(self, game_over=False):, game_over=game_over)
@staticmethod def __wrap_exception(flag): if isinstance(flag, return DivergingLoadflowException(flag.last_observation, flag.text) elif isinstance(flag, return TooManyConsumptionsCut(flag.text) elif isinstance(flag, return TooManyProductionsCut(flag.text) elif isinstance(flag, return IllegalActionException(flag.text, flag.get_has_too_much_activations(), flag.get_illegal_broken_lines_reconnections(), flag.get_illegal_oncoolown_lines_switches(), flag.get_illegal_oncoolown_substations_switches()) else: return flag ##### HELPERS FOR LOGGING
[docs] def get_current_chronic_name(self): return
[docs] def get_current_datetime(self): return
OBSERVATION_MEANING = { 'active_productions': 'Real power produced by the generators of the grid (MW).', 'active_loads': 'Real power consumed by the demands of the grid (MW).', 'active_flows_origin': 'Real power flowing through the origin part of the lines (MW).', 'active_flows_extremity': 'Real power flowing through the extremity part of the lines (MW).', 'reactive_productions': 'Reactive power produced by the generators of the grid (Mvar).', 'reactive_loads': 'Reactive power consumed by the demands of the grid (Mvar).', 'reactive_flows_origin': 'Reactive power flowing through the origin part of the lines (Mvar).', 'reactive_flows_extremity': 'Reactive power flowing through the extremity part of the lines (Mvar).', 'voltage_productions': 'Voltage magnitude of the generators of the grid (per-unit V).', 'voltage_loads': 'Voltage magnitude of the demands of the grid (per-unit V).', 'voltage_flows_origin': 'Voltage magnitude of the origin part of the lines (per-unit V).', 'voltage_flows_extremity': 'Voltage magnitude of the extremity part of the lines (per-unit V).', 'ampere_flows': 'Current value of the flow within lines (A); fixed throughout a line.', 'thermal_limits': 'Nominal thermal limit of the power lines (actually A).', 'are_loads_cut': 'Mask whether the consumers are isolated (1) from the rest of the network.', 'are_prods_cut': 'Mask whether the productors are isolated (1) from the rest of the network.', 'substations_ids': 'ID of all the substations of the grid.', 'prods_substations_ids': 'ID of the substation on which the productions (generators) are wired.', 'loads_substations_ids': 'ID of the substation on which the loads (consumers) are wired.', 'lines_or_substations_ids': 'ID of the substation on which the lines origin are wired.', 'lines_ex_substations_ids': 'ID of the substation on which the lines extremity are wired.', 'lines_status': 'Mask whether the lines are switched ON (1) or switched OFF (0).', 'timesteps_before_lines_reconnectable': 'Number of timesteps to wait before a line is switchable ON.', 'timesteps_before_lines_reactionable': 'Number of timesteps to wait before a recently actioned line can be used ' 'again.', 'timesteps_before_nodes_reactionable': 'Number of timesteps to wait before a recently actioned node can be used ' 'again.', 'timesteps_before_planned_maintenance': 'Number of timesteps to wait before a line will be switched OFF for' 'maintenance', 'loads_nodes': 'The node on which each load is connected within their corresponding substations.', 'productions_nodes': 'The node on which each production is connected within their corresponding substations.', 'lines_or_nodes': 'The node on which each origin of line is connected within their corresponding substations.', 'lines_ex_nodes': 'The node on which each extremity of line is connected within their corresponding substations.', 'initial_productions_nodes': 'The initial (reference) node on which each load is connected within their ' 'corresponding substations.', 'initial_loads_nodes': 'The initial (reference) node on which each production is connected within their ' 'corresponding substations.', 'initial_lines_or_nodes': 'The initial (reference) node on which each origin of line is connected within their ' 'corresponding substations.', 'initial_lines_ex_nodes': 'The initial (reference) node on which each extremity of line is connected within ' 'their corresponding substations.', 'planned_active_loads': 'An array-like container of the previsions of the active power of loads for future' 'timestep(s).', 'planned_reactive_loads': 'An array-like container of the previsions of the reactive power of loads for future' 'timestep(s).', 'planned_active_productions': 'An array-like container of the previsions of the active power of productions for ' 'future timestep(s).', 'planned_voltage_productions': 'An array-like container of the previsions of the voltage of productions for future' 'timestep(s).', 'datetime': 'A Python datetime object containing the date of the observation.', } MINIMALISTACOBSERVATION_MEANING = {k: v for k, v in OBSERVATION_MEANING.items() if k in MinimalistACObservation.__keys__()} MINIMALISTOBSERVATION_MEANING = {k: v for k, v in OBSERVATION_MEANING.items() if k in MinimalistObservation.__keys__()}