Source code for pypownet.chronic

__author__ = 'marvinler'
# Copyright (C) 2017-2018 RTE and INRIA (France)
# Authors: Marvin Lerousseau <>
# This file is under the LGPL-v3 license and is part of PyPowNet.
import os
import numpy as np
import inspect
import logging
from datetime import datetime

[docs]class TimestepEntries(object): def __init__(self, timestep_id, loads_p, loads_q, prods_p, prods_v, maintenance, hazards, date, planned_loads_p=None, planned_loads_q=None, planned_prods_p=None, planned_prods_v=None): = timestep_id # Prods and loads containers self.prods_p = prods_p self.prods_v = prods_v self.loads_p = loads_p self.loads_q = loads_q # Planned injections containers self.planned_prods_p = planned_prods_p self.planned_prods_v = planned_prods_v self.planned_loads_p = planned_loads_p self.planned_loads_q = planned_loads_q self.maintenance = maintenance self.hazards = hazards self.datetime = datetime.strptime(date.lower(), '%Y-%b-%d;%H:%M')
[docs] def get_prods_p(self): return self.prods_p
[docs] def get_prods_v(self): return self.prods_v
[docs] def get_loads_q(self): return self.loads_q
[docs] def get_loads_p(self): return self.loads_p
[docs] def get_planned_prods_p(self): return self.planned_prods_p
[docs] def get_planned_prods_v(self): return self.planned_prods_v
[docs] def get_planned_loads_q(self): return self.planned_loads_q
[docs] def get_planned_loads_p(self): return self.planned_loads_p
[docs] def get_id(self): return
[docs] def get_maintenance(self): return self.maintenance
[docs] def get_hazards(self): return self.hazards
[docs] def get_datetime(self): return self.datetime
[docs]class Chronic(object): def __init__(self, source_folder, with_previsions=True): if not os.path.exists(source_folder): raise ValueError('Source folder %s does not exist' % source_folder) self.source_folder = source_folder = os.path.basename(source_folder) self.with_previsions = with_previsions # True will seek and load planned injections (in Obs and simulate) # Containers for the ROI files paths self.fpath_loads_p = None self.fpath_loads_q = None self.fpath_prods_p = None self.fpath_prods_v = None self.fpath_ids = None self.fpath_imaps = None self.fpath_maintenance = None self.fpath_hazards = None # ROI planned injections files self.fpath_loads_p_planned = None self.fpath_loads_q_planned = None self.fpath_prods_p_planned = None self.fpath_prods_v_planned = None self.datetimes_path = None # Containers for the productions and loads data self.prods_p = None self.prods_v = None self.loads_p = None self.loads_q = None self.prods_p_planned = None self.prods_v_planned = None self.loads_p_planned = None self.loads_q_planned = None self.imaps = None self.maintenance = None self.hazards = None self.timestep_ids = None self.datetimes = None # Overall ordered container for the Scenarios self.timesteps_entries = [] # Retrieve the input files of the chronic self.retrieve_input_files() data = self.retrieve_data() # Save data into self containers self.import_data(data) # Create scenarios based on the imported values self.construct_timesteps_injections()
[docs] def retrieve_input_files(self): # Retrieve all the csv files within the folder csv_files = [f for f in os.listdir(self.source_folder) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.source_folder, f)) and f.endswith('.csv')] # Realized loads and prods files name fname_loads_p = '_N_loads_p.csv' fname_loads_q = '_N_loads_q.csv' fname_prods_p = '_N_prods_p.csv' fname_prods_v = '_N_prods_v.csv' # Planned loads and prods files name fname_loads_p_planned = '_N_loads_p_planned.csv' fname_loads_q_planned = '_N_loads_q_planned.csv' fname_prods_p_planned = '_N_prods_p_planned.csv' fname_prods_v_planned = '_N_prods_v_planned.csv' # Expected ID file name fname_ids = '_N_simu_ids.csv' fname_datetimes = '_N_datetimes.csv' fname_imaps = '_N_imaps.csv' # Maintenance and hazards fname_maintenance = 'maintenance.csv' fname_hazards = 'hazards.csv' mandatory_files = [fname_loads_p, fname_loads_q, fname_prods_p, fname_prods_v, fname_ids, fname_imaps, fname_maintenance, fname_hazards, fname_datetimes] if self.with_previsions: mandatory_files.extend([fname_loads_p_planned, fname_loads_q_planned, fname_prods_p_planned, fname_prods_v_planned]) # Check whether all mandatory files are present within the source directory for mandatory_file in mandatory_files: if mandatory_file not in csv_files: raise FileExistsError('File %s does not exist but is mandatory' % mandatory_file) # At this point, all the necesarry files are present within the source folder: save their absolute paths self.fpath_loads_p = os.path.join(self.source_folder, fname_loads_p) self.fpath_loads_q = os.path.join(self.source_folder, fname_loads_q) self.fpath_prods_p = os.path.join(self.source_folder, fname_prods_p) self.fpath_prods_v = os.path.join(self.source_folder, fname_prods_v) self.fpath_loads_p_planned = os.path.join(self.source_folder, fname_loads_p_planned) self.fpath_loads_q_planned = os.path.join(self.source_folder, fname_loads_q_planned) self.fpath_prods_p_planned = os.path.join(self.source_folder, fname_prods_p_planned) self.fpath_prods_v_planned = os.path.join(self.source_folder, fname_prods_v_planned) self.fpath_ids = os.path.join(self.source_folder, fname_ids) self.fpath_imaps = os.path.join(self.source_folder, fname_imaps) self.fpath_maintenance = os.path.join(self.source_folder, fname_maintenance) self.fpath_hazards = os.path.join(self.source_folder, fname_hazards) self.datetimes_path = os.path.join(self.source_folder, fname_datetimes)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_csv_content(csv_absolute_fpath): return np.genfromtxt(csv_absolute_fpath, dtype=np.float32, delimiter=';', skip_header=True)
[docs] def retrieve_data(self): # Keys: name of attribute; value: data of the associated attribute data = {} # Retrieve all the attributes of this class representing an input file (starts with 'fpath_') attributes = inspect.getmembers(self, lambda a: not (inspect.isroutine(a))) attributes = [a for a in attributes if a[0].startswith('fpath_')] for attribute_name, attribute_path in attributes: data[attribute_name] = self.get_csv_content(attribute_path) return data
[docs] def import_data(self, data): # Save productions and loads data self.prods_p = data['fpath_prods_p'] self.prods_v = data['fpath_prods_v'] self.loads_p = data['fpath_loads_p'] self.loads_q = data['fpath_loads_q'] self.prods_p_planned = data['fpath_prods_p_planned'] self.prods_v_planned = data['fpath_prods_v_planned'] self.loads_p_planned = data['fpath_loads_p_planned'] self.loads_q_planned = data['fpath_loads_q_planned'] self.imaps = data['fpath_imaps'].tolist() # Slip data from planned by 1 self.prods_p_planned[:-1] = self.prods_p_planned[1:] self.prods_v_planned[:-1] = self.prods_v_planned[1:] self.loads_p_planned[:-1] = self.loads_p_planned[1:] self.loads_q_planned[:-1] = self.loads_q_planned[1:] # self.prods_p_planned = np.concatenate((self.prods_p_planned[1:], [0] * len(self.prods_p_planned[0]))) # self.prods_v_planned = np.concatenate((self.prods_v_planned[1:], [0] * len(self.prods_v_planned[0]))) # self.loads_p_planned = np.concatenate((self.loads_p_planned[1:], [0] * len(self.loads_p_planned[0]))) # self.loads_q_planned = np.concatenate((self.loads_q_planned[1:], [0] * len(self.loads_q_planned[0]))) self.maintenance = data['fpath_maintenance'] self.hazards = data['fpath_hazards'] # Scenarios ids self.timestep_ids = data['fpath_ids'].astype(np.int32).tolist() self.datetimes = open(self.datetimes_path, 'r').read().splitlines()[1:] # Verify that all the ids are unique assert len(np.unique(self.timestep_ids)) == len(self.timestep_ids), 'There are timesteps with the same id'
[docs] def construct_timesteps_injections(self): """ Loop over all the pertinent data row by row creating scenarios that are stored within the self.scenarios container. """ for scen_id, loads_p, loads_q, prods_p, prods_v, \ planned_loads_p, planned_loads_q, planned_prods_p, planned_prods_v, \ maintenance, hazards, date in zip(self.timestep_ids, self.loads_p, self.loads_q, self.prods_p, self.prods_v, self.loads_p_planned, self.loads_q_planned, self.prods_p_planned, self.prods_v_planned, self.maintenance, self.hazards, self.datetimes): timestep_entries = TimestepEntries(scen_id, loads_p, loads_q, prods_p, prods_v, maintenance, hazards, date, planned_loads_p, planned_loads_q, planned_prods_p, planned_prods_v) self.timesteps_entries.append(timestep_entries)
[docs] def get_timestep_entries(self, timestep_id): if timestep_id not in self.timestep_ids: raise ValueError('Could not find TimestepInjections with id', timestep_id) return self.timesteps_entries[self.timestep_ids.index(timestep_id)]
[docs] def get_planned_maintenance(self, timestep_id, horizon): index_begin_timestep = self.timestep_ids.index(timestep_id) timesteps_entries = self.timesteps_entries[index_begin_timestep:index_begin_timestep + horizon] maintenances = np.asarray([entry.get_maintenance() for entry in timesteps_entries]) # Construct a vector of the timesteps before a maintenance will start on each line; 0 for no planned maintenance planned_maintenance = (maintenances != 0).argmax(axis=0) return planned_maintenance
[docs] def get_timestep_duration(self): first_datetime = self.timesteps_entries[0].get_datetime() second_datetime = self.timesteps_entries[1].get_datetime() return (second_datetime - first_datetime).total_seconds()
[docs] def get_timestep_ids(self): return self.timestep_ids
[docs] def get_imaps(self): return self.imaps
[docs]class ChronicLooper(object): def __init__(self, chronics_folder, game_level, start_id, looping_mode): self.logger = logging.getLogger('pypownet.' + __name__) self.chronics_folder = os.path.abspath(chronics_folder) if not os.path.exists(self.chronics_folder): raise FileNotFoundError('Chronic folder %s does not exist' % self.chronics_folder) if looping_mode not in ['natural', 'random', 'fixed']: raise ValueError('Either "natural" mode (loops in the order of chronics ids), "random" (loops randomly) or' '"fixed" (plays the same chronic)') self.looping_mode = looping_mode # Seeks all available chronics (sorts alphabetically) self.chronics = sorted([os.path.join(self.chronics_folder, d) for d in os.listdir(self.chronics_folder) if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.chronics_folder, d))])'Found %d chronics of game level %s; looping with mode %s starting with chronic %s' % ( len(self.chronics), os.path.basename(self.chronics_folder), self.looping_mode, os.path.basename(self.chronics[start_id]))) self.next_chronic_id = start_id if self.looping_mode != 'random' else np.random.choice(len(self.chronics)) self.current_chronic_name = None
[docs] def get_next_chronic_folder(self): res_chronic = self.chronics[self.next_chronic_id] self.current_chronic_name = os.path.basename(res_chronic) if self.looping_mode == 'natural': self.next_chronic_id = (self.next_chronic_id + 1) % len(self.chronics) elif self.looping_mode == 'random': self.next_chronic_id = np.random.choice(len(self.chronics)) elif self.looping_mode == 'fixed': self.next_chronic_id = self.next_chronic_id return res_chronic
[docs] def get_current_chronic_name(self): return self.current_chronic_name